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他举起了苍蝇拍。He got the fly swatter.

你的耳朵可以拿来当苍蝇拍吗?Can you use them for a swatter?

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我用苍蝇拍打死那只苍蝇。I killed the fly with a swatter.

那人用苍蝇拍拍打苍蝇。The man flipped at a fly with a fly swatter.

咱俩别一个跟苍蝇一个跟苍蝇拍似的。Let's not behave like a fly and a fly swatter.

叫两个小朋友到教室的前面,每个人手里拿一个苍蝇拍。Have two children come to the front and each one is armed with a fly swatter.

美国研究人员于上周四称,这主要和苍蝇的大脑反应有关。The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter , US researchers said on Thursday.

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从苍蝇觉察到苍蝇拍,到这一整套动作全部完成,只需短短100毫秒。All of this action takes place within about 100 milliseconds after the fly first spots the swatter.

洗衣间储藏室的规整,不仅要清洁必要的物件,也要放好易随处乱放的东西,比如苍蝇怕。Laundry-room storage organizes not only cleaning essentials but also easy-to-misplace items like a fly swatter.

迪金森的研究小组使用高速数码成像设备以及一个奇特的苍蝇拍对果蝇的逃命过程进行了研究。Dickinson's team studied this process in fruit flies using high-speed digital imaging equipment and a fancy fly swatter.

迪金森的研究小组采用高速数码成像设备以及一个奇特的苍蝇拍对果蝇的逃命过程进行了研究。Dickinson's team studied this process in fruit flies using high-speed digital imaging equipment and a fancy fly swatter.

迪金森的研究小组借助高速数码成像设备和一个奇特的苍蝇拍在果蝇身上就此过程展开了研究。Dickinson's team studies this process in fruit flies using high-speed digital imaging equipment and a fancy fly swatter.

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这场过热但往往有的放矢论证的读者们会结论,最安全的策略是有机食品和准备一个苍蝇拍。Readers of this overheated but often on-the-mark polemic will conclude that the safest tactic is organic food and a fly swatter.

从研究者录制的视频显示来看,如果苍蝇拍是从苍蝇的前方拍过来,苍蝇便会将中间两条腿前移,同时身体后倾,然后抬起身体,将腿伸展开,便向后飞走了。The researcher's videos show that if the descending swatter comes from in front of the fly, the fly moves its middle legs forward and leans back, then raises and extends its legs to push off backward.