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哪儿可以找到三轮车?Where can I get a pedicab?

单单我们这条小巷就有三辆。In our alley alone, there are three pedicab riders.

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这是妈妈到码头接我们后乘坐三轮车回家。This is my mother picking us up from the wharf, on pedicab.

蔡伟卖过香烟、冰棍,也当过三轮车夫。Cai Wei once sold cigarettes, ice-cream and worked as pedicab driver.

他说,“甚至连三轮车夫都带着茶样,满街寻找顾客。”Even pedicab drivers were carrying tea samples and looking for clients on the street.

她注意到一个女孩,女孩是坐着她父亲的三轮车来的。She paid attention to a girl, who was carried to the kindergarten on a pedicab by his father.

丈夫每天开着装满鸡蛋的车往街里的几十家小卖店送鸡蛋。My husband drives every day with the pedicab full of eggs to sell the eggs to little family sores.

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早在2008年,那时还是三轮车夫的蔡伟就已经在古汉字研究上小有成就。In 2008, Cai Wei who was working as a pedicab driver had already gained some accomplishments on ancient Chinese study.

各大在线媒体近日发布了一条名为“复旦将录取38岁三轮车夫为博士生”的新闻。Major online media has released news of "Fudan University's plan to recruit a 38-year-old pedicab driver as a doctor".

各大在线媒体近日发布了一条名为"复旦将录取38岁三轮车夫为博士生"的新闻。Major online media has released news of "Fudan University`s plan to recruit a 38-year-old pedicab driver as a doctor".

一种人可供人骑或乘的,利用传动带、链或者齿轮的机械结构,由人力驱动的,两轮以上的设备。Pedicab " means a device upon which any person may ride, propelled by human power through a belt, chain or gears, having two or more wheels."

但无论做什么工作,他对于古汉字的热爱未减分毫。Cai Wei once sold cigarettes, ice-cream and worked as pedicab driver. Whatever he did, his love of ancient Chinese characters had never changed.

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今天的三轮车成了风俗游的特色工具,拉着客人在故宫周围的小胡同里穿行。Today the pedicab has become a charastistic item for scenic tours, squeezing visitors through the small hutungs surrounding the Imperial Palace.

三轮车是老北京的出租车,以前送煤、送菜、送老人看病、送孩子上学,北京人很难离开他。The pedicab is Old Beijing's taxi. In the past for delivering coal or food, getting old people to see a doctor, or sending kinds off to school, it was hard for a Beijinger to escape it.