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当然,其本质只是一个规范。Of course, it's just a spec.

我是一个投机的月光猴子。I'm a moonbeam monkey on spec.

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练级时我应该加什么天赋?What Spec should I be while leveling?

哦,规格说明书上说它应该“这样”工作。Oh, the spec says it should work this way.

这样可以使用rspec来运行当前的规格文件。This will run the current spec file under rspec.

这安大略游侠加刀是第二代规格。This Ontario Ranger knife is the Spec Plus Gen II.

情节串连板是代码规范的动画版本。A storyboard is the animation version of a code spec.

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通常这些表现在“然后”这种“规范”上面。Usually these show up as the word "then" in the spec.

相比代码,功能设计规格只需要做小小的改变。Compared to code, a written spec is trivial to change.

当审查规格时考虑一下违反它们的情况。Think of cases that violate them when reviewing the spec.

DLR宿主规格说明书已经发布了一个更新过的草案。An updated draft of the DLR Hosting Spec has been released.

我注意到在我的说明空白处写着一些注解。I noticed that there were comments in the margins of my spec.

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雨果.门多萨是亚利桑那州厄尔巴索的一名医护兵。Spec. Hugo Mendoza was a medic from El Paso and Arizona, Sgt.

协议的第一段解释了我们的需求。The very first section of the spec explains our requirements.

RTSJ规范要求程序重写以使用有限的内存。The RTSJ spec requires a program re-write to use scoped memory.

我们有一个工作规范,并会就此问题发布签署保密协议。We have a job spec and will release this subject to signed NDA.

他有时候说要走,有时候又说要留。Sometimes he spec he'll go 'way, en den agin he spec he'll stay.

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行。关于商检和索赔,有侍趵硎题吗?That can be done. Any questions about the in spec tion and claims?

在这方面,目前WS-*规范的工具基本上没有提供支持。Current WS-* spec tools have little to no capability in this regard.

游戏中所有类型的术士都是最好的伤害制造者。Warlocks of any spec are one of the best damage dealers in the game.