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跟人家怨恨不解,的确是性格上的一个阴影可是你对于自己的缺点,已经挑剔得很严格。Implacable resentment is a shade in a character.

威洛比吹嘘过他不饶人的性格,他应该受到谴责。Willoughby's boast of his implacable character was to blame.

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休森说,杜鹃鸟表面的愚蠢背后是不可改变的逻辑。There was an implacable logic in the cuckoos' seeming folly, said Mr.

罗森博格无助地盯着接踵而来的那幕令人激愤难平的场景。Rosenberg stared helplessly at the implacable sequence that came next.

在面对这些不友善的恶魔,见证了这一周发生的事情以后,也许答案会改变。In the face of the implacable evil witnessed this week, the answer may have changed.

也许某一个同学与ni有过争吵,但是那也没有实质的怨仇,一笑便泯灭。Perhaps one student may have a quarrel with you, but not implacable enemy, just smile it away.

他正瞧着海狼赖生,从前的不能和解的憎恨的表情,依旧强烈地留在他的脸上。He was looking at Wolf Larsen, the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face.

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即使最顽固的反对者也承认该议案在转变美国能源使用方式方面的重要性。Even the bill's most implacable opponents acknowledged its importance in transforming US energy use.

但那些态度不友好的克隆人士兵告诉他绝地正在进行叛乱,然后赶他离开。Instead, he was shooed away by the implacable clone troopers, who told him a Jedi rebellion was afoot.

芬兰车手们已经树立起了强硬而且冷酷的名声,莱科宁将会使那种特性更加光大。Finns have established a reputation as solid implacable racers. Raikkonen will need those traits in abundance.

他们执拗的敌意使我大为震惊,我可以肯定他们对我的病人来说是一个心理威胁。I was stunned by their implacable hostility and convinced that they were a psychological menace to my patient.

这种不容置疑的巨人症使观众被浸没在媒体和图像的世界之中。The implacable proof of gigantism invites viewers to immerse themselves in the world of the media and its images.

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他是一个偶像崇拜的不安静敌人,也极力反对把基督教思想渗透入梵志会。He was an implacable enemy of image worship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj.

不过,这是一支处于成长期的德国队,而非过去几次那支永不满足的德国队。This, nonetheless, is an emerging Germany side rather than the implacable sort of times gone by and England responded simply.

他微笑起来象一个漫画书或者电脑游戏里的形像,笑容自信得难以取悦还带一丝邪气。When he smiles, he looks like a character from a manga comic or computer game, grinning with implacable and malign certainty.

女孩们不再被难缠的婆婆逼得去自杀,更不会在饥荒时节被卖做奴隶或交换食物。Girls are not commonly driven to suicide by implacable mothers-in-law, nor sold into slavery or exchanged for food in time of famine.

政府官员们如今面临着频繁的刺杀企图,包括索马里总统阿卜杜拉希·尤素福也面临着这些危险。Government officials, including the president, Abdullahi Yusuf, an implacable foe of the hardliners, face frequent assassination attempts.

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多少次,主教在他身上,在他内心点燃的这个铁面无私的光明,在他希望看不见时,却照得他眼都发花!How many times had that implacable spark, lighted within him, and upon him by the Bishop, dazzled him by force when he had wished to be blind!

在会议上,两年来被反对呼声弄得焦头烂额的奥巴马总统将会对他的死敌们宣布这份声明。Obama, who has faced two years of complete scorched-earth opposition, declared that he had failed to reach out sufficiently to his implacable enemies.

另外,我们还力图限制一个死敌一旦掌握了优势军事能力之后所施加的侵蚀性的和胁迫性的影响。Further, we seek to limit the corrosive and coercive efforts that preponderant military capabilities would have in the hands of an implacable adversary.