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防毒面具能使你免遭毒气袭击。This gas mask can immunize you against poison gas.

那麽是什麽原因使它能够引发体内对癌症产生的免疫力呢?What, then, was the basis of its ability to immunize against cancers?

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以小鼠宫颈癌细胞系U14为抗原免疫小鼠。Mouse uterine cervical cancer cell line U14 was used aS the antigen to immunize mice.

此外,必须充分实施对移民家庭中儿童接种疫苗的专门战略。Special strategies to immunize children in migrant populations must be fully implemented.

以纯化蛋白免疫小鼠,制备特异性单克隆抗体,对纯化后的人多抗和鼠单抗进行鉴定。Using the protease as antigen to immunize mice and the specific monoclonal antibodies were produced.

而命令授权药剂师们接种比通常法律所允许的更大一部分人口。It authorizes pharmacists to immunize a much greater segment of the population than usually allowed by law.

我们不应该逃避宗教及其精神的深刻真理的内在含义。We should not immunize ourselves to the inner meaning of most profound truths of religion and their spiritualities.

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救护车从外地匆匆开进灾区,外地医疗队的医生和护士们帮助幸存者增强抗病能力。Ambulances were rushed in and teams of doctors and nurses from other areas helped immunize survivors against disease.

而对照组中,未进行免疫的猕猴则均被SIV感染,且三分之二死于艾滋病并发症。The control group did not immunize the monkeys were then infected with SIV, and two-thirds died of AIDS complications.

作为首要优先重点,所有国家应为其卫生保健工作者提供免疫以保障必要的卫生基础设施。All countries should immunize their health-care workers as a first priority to protect the essential health infrastructure.

由于四种登革热病毒的任何一种都能致病,因此疫苗要对所有四种病毒有效。With four closely related viruses that can cause the disease, the vaccine must immunize against all four types to be effective.

项目的目标是在10天内为1岁至29岁的目标人群进行免疫接种,而项目在第八天就完成了!The goal was to immunize the target population, aged between one and 29 years, in 10 days and it was accomplished in eight days!

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由于选民们对这件事一直一无所知,所以我的道歉广告没能消除他的广告造成的影响,我在民意调查中落到了塔克的后面。Since the voters hadn’t been aware of that issue, my apology ad didn’t immunize me from it, and I dropped behind Tucker in the polls.

合成的肽段与载体蛋白偶联后免疫家兎能产生明显的免疫记忆作用。To immunize rabbits with the peptides coupled with carrier protein-BSA. An obvious immunological memory was observed after immunization.

我不明白,像马拉西亚、泰国甚至是印尼这样的国家能做什么可以从中国最近的苦恼中经济免疫。I fail to see much that countries like Malaysia, Thailand and even Indonesia can do to immunize their economies from China's current woes.

用该磺胺甲噻唑人工抗原免疫动物,可获得特性高的特异性抗体。The specific antibodies with high characteristics can be obtained by using the artificial sulfamethylthiazole antigen to immunize animals.

制造新的流感疫苗准备去接种人群,在流行病毒初检之后一般需要5-6个月。Making new influenza vaccines ready to immunize people generally takes five to six months after first identification of the pandemic virus.

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路易斯。巴斯德发展出了一种让鸡霍乱剧毒病原体毒性减弱的方法,这样处理过的毒株可以免疫,并不再引发疾病。Louis Pasteur develops a method of attenuating a virulent pathogen, the agent of chicken cholera, so it would immunize and not cause disease.

今年,麻疹倡议和其它伙伴机构在世卫组织支持下,组织了旨在为320万儿童进行免疫接种的运动。Organized with support from WHO, the Measles Initiative and other partner agencies, this year's campaign aimed to immunize 3.2 million children.

许多科学家早已证明,为囓齿类动物进行免疫接种,可让牠们抵御自己体内的癌症,正如人类定期接受免疫接种来抵抗病原体。Many scientists had demonstrated that one can immunize rodents against their own cancers, just as people are routinely immunized against pathogens.