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你需要给自己补充点血清素了。Your serotonin levels need toping up.

百忧解作用于血清素There are-- Prozac works on serotonin.

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Karsenty博士认为这种物质是复合胺。And that, Dr. Karsenty says, led him to serotonin.

适当的5-羟色胺水平有利于促进深度睡眠,迅速恢复体力。Adequate serotonin levels promote deep, restorative sleep.

一旦进入大脑,色氨酸会被转化成血清素。Once in the brain, the tryptophan is converted to serotonin.

有没有测量他大脑中血清素含量的方法?Is there a measurement for the amount of serotonin in his brain?

他们的扫描显示女性比男性有更多的血清素接受器。Their scans showed women have more serotonin receptors than men.

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高血清素帮助改善情绪,让人感觉平静。High serotonin levels help boost your mood and help you feel calm.

血清素还调控包括情绪在内的许多认知过程。Serotonin also regulates many cognitive processes, including mood.

蝗虫体内的5-羟色胺越多,它就变得越具有群居性。The more serotonin in a locust's body, the more gregarious it was.

血清素和催乳激素则未有改善。Levels of serotonin and prolactin were not influenced by music therapy.

下次伤感电影让你哭的时候,去怪你的血清素水平吧。NEXT time a sentimental movie makes you cry, blame your serotonin levels.

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5-羟色胺对于睡眠有着极为重要的作用,被称为睡眠激素。Serotonin is essential for sleep and has been called the "sleep hormone."

这些抗抑郁药物被称作选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂。These antidepressants are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

LRP5越多,越多的酶被阻滞,复合胺产生越少。The more LRP5, the more the enzyme is blocked, and the less serotonin is made.

鸡肉和碳水化合物增加了大脑的5-羟色胺水平。Chicken and complex carbohydrates increase the level of serotonin in the brain.

这些抗抑郁的药物都是选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂。These antidepressants are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

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要解决这个问题,5-羟色胺需要在较迟的时候释放。To overcome this problem the serotonin needs to be released later in the night.

不过还要提醒诸位的是,五羟色胺的这种抑制作用只能持续几小时。Mind you, the think-before-you-buy effects of serotonin wear off after a few hours.

但Karsenty博士认为,消化道复合胺能直接控制骨形成。Dr. Karsenty reports, though, that gut serotonin can directly control bone formation.