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阿富汗的经济在增长。The Afghan econmy is growing.

免费浅滩婴儿阿富汗模式。Free riffle baby afghan pattern.

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你应该尝尝阿富汗烤肉串!You have to try Afghan Shashlik!

阿富汗的军队蓄势待发。Afghan forces were poised to strike.

一只阿富汗猎犬昂首肃立。An Afghan hound stands at attention.

他是个阿富汗难民,叫阿维。He was an Afghan refugee named Awal.

完全正确,那阿富汗警察怎么样呢?Exaclty. What about the Afghan Police?

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东北方向是阿富汗的贾拉拉巴德小镇。Northeast lies the Afghan town of Jalalabad.

1月8日,在Nawzad地区祈祷的阿富汗人。Afghan men pray in Nawzad district, on Jan. 8.

我知道了,那阿富汗经济状况如何呢?I see. What's happening in the Afghan economy?

大约有4400名阿富汗工作人员留在国内。About 4, 400 Afghan staff remain in the country.

于是,阿富汗儿童歌集计划开始了。And the Afghan Children's Songbook Project began.

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然而,阿富汗战争或许会在一场不光彩的撤军中结束。The Afghan war may yet end in an ignominious retreat.

阿富汗战争对我们的核项目是一种庇佑。The Afghan War was a blessing for our nuclear program.

阿富汗军队和警察应该保护自己的村庄。The Afghan army and police should secure the villages.

阿富汗女足中踢球时间最长的卡丽达·波帕尔说。Afghan Women in the longest play Carrie wave Parr said.

第二,要由阿富汗人民自主决定解决办法。II. The Afghan people should choose their own solution.

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他呼吁他的战士赢得阿富汗人民的支持。He called on his fighters to win over the Afghan people.

巴焦尔与阿富汗的库纳尔省为邻。Bajaur shares a border with the Afghan province of Kunar.

妇女已经出现在了阿富汗的议会和警察机关。Women are in the Afghan parliament and the police forces.