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我把它放在行李架上。I left it on a rack.

我在货架上看到过。I saw it on the rack.

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伞架-伞架倒了。The umbrella rack fell down.

放在网架上凉凉。Cool completely on wire rack.

行李架本田夜鹰。Honda Nighthawk luggage rack.

从齿条活塞上拆下工具。Remove tool from rack piston.

在斯帕,转向齿条坏了。In Spa the steering rack broke.

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将煎好的小牛排放入红酒汁中焖煮。Add in the veal rack and braise.

我的包放不进行李架里。My bag does not fit in the rack.

把包袱放在行李架上。Place the bundle on the luggage rack.

其中一个有搁板和鞋架。One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.

真的吗?只是一件很普通的衣服啦。Really? It's just something off-the rack.

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放在刀架上一观令人赏心悦目。The "on the rack" view in all it's glory.

一张墨迹斑斑的桌子,一把木椅子,一杆双筒枪挂在床头手工制作的枪架上。gun in a hand-whittled rack over the bed.

检查毛巾架是否牢固,干净。Check bath towel rack is secure and clean.

每只羊都从乾草架底吃草。Every one takes it from bottom of the rack.

男孩把泡面放到了行李架上。The boy put the bubble surface on the rack.

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设计并绘制衣架的零件图。Finish the detail drawing of a clothes rack.

内附金属架,可烘烤或清蒸食物。Come with metal rack for baking and steaming.

她正站在杂志架的前面。She's standing in front of the magazine rack.