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大两线荧光显示屏。Large Two-Line Fluorescent Display.

可配装环形荧光灯。Suitable for annular fluorescent lamp.

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照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps.

更有精品荧光手机数据线免费派。More fine fluorescent phone data line free pie.

出料段配置日光灯检测。Discharging of the targeted fluorescent detection.

采用特殊玻管和荧光粉。Made of special glass tube and fluorescent powder.

配装光源,环形荧光灯管。Equipped with light source, annular fluorescent lamp.

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粉体在纺丝时最易产生“团聚”现象。The fluorescent powder was easy to generate " gobbet".

荧光灯启辉器座产品系列已获得CE认证。Fluorescent starter holder series have got CE approval.

用蜡笔、水彩笔或者荧光笔答题。Do the exam with crayons, paint, or fluorescent markers.

通常情况下所说的夜明珠是指荧光石、夜光石。Usually say pearl refers to fluorescent stone, luminous.

运用日光灯之可调光电子安定器于剧场计划。Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent lamp in Theater Project.

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首先关掉电源把荧光灯管取下。First , power off , then , take away the fluorescent tubes.

完成对燃机部件的荧光渗透检测。Perform fluorescent penetrates check on turbine components.

用结实的荧光灯代替白炽灯泡。Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights.

指定板块式荧光灯的自定义宽度。Specify a custom width for the modular fluorescent fitting.

指定板块式荧光灯的自定义高度。Specify a custom height for the modular fluorescent fitting.

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T5高输出荧光灯,您的正确选择!T5-HO Fluorescent Lamps, The Most Suitable Produces For You!

1980年出现了第一个螺旋式小型日光灯灯泡。The first screw-in compact fluorescent bulb appeared in 1980.

使用省电灯泡及萤光灯?。Using energy efficient lighting systems or fluorescent lamps?