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墨子创立了墨子哲学。Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.

墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion.

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墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.

匪文化与墨学之间有深厚的文化思想渊源。The bandit culture has deep culture relations with Mohism.

从方法上看,其墨学研究上承孙诒让,下启胡适,是近代墨学研究方法论转化的中间环节。His Mohism study was middle tache between Sun Yi-rang's and Hu Shi's.

老舍小说蕴涵了鲜明的墨侠精神。Lao She's fictions contain the distinct spirit of Mohism and chivalry.

墨子的文化思想是先秦显学墨学的重要组成部分。Mozis cultural ideology is a significant part of the outstanding Mohism.

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墨学兴衰是与墨家组织的存亡相始终的。The Mohism is with the survival or perish of Mojia organism all the time.

先秦墨家思想中包含着丰富的人力资源管理心理思想。Mohism thoughts in Pre Qin Dynasty involved abundant thoughts on HR management.

近代墨学复兴经历了三个阶段,是一个相当复杂的过程。The process of the revival of Modern Mohism is complicated, and inculudes three stages.

学者对于墨学的回顾与反思,亦体现了中古时期墨学的流传和影响。The comments about Mohism reflects the spread and influence of Mohism in in medieval times.

历来的墨学研究者各自提出了自己的核心论。The researchers of Mohism uphold their own core theory since the subject of Mohism came into being.

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但就墨学研究的基础性与发展性而言,吾人应追问墨学的十论所要建构的是何种世界?However, on the basis of Mohism and development is concerned, What's Mohist build the kind of world?

中古时期其他思想流派对墨学的融合,是墨学流传和影响的重要表征。The combination of Mohism and other scholars had been its important characteristics in medieval times.

作为战国“显学”的墨学在秦汉时代已经衰落下去,但这并不意味着墨家思想和墨家精神的断流。The decline of Mohism in Qin and Han Dynasties doesn't prevent spreading of Mohist ideology and spirits.

墨学是探讨思维规律的,而语言与思维是对立统一的。Mohism is about the research on the mode of thinking, but language and thinking are the unity of opposites.

儒家、墨家和道家的和平社会理想无疑都印证在东方和平主义的社会理想之中。The social ideals on peace of Confucianism, Mohism and Daoism are no doubt confirmed in the Oriental Pacifism.

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墨家主要生发了节俭思想,提出了节用、节葬等主张。Mohism developed the thought of economy, producing the opinion on economy of expenditures and simplicity in funerals.

相对于体系完整而严密的儒家朋友理论来说,墨家或许是一种别样的补充。Compared to the systematic and rigorous friend relationship of Confucianism, Mohism is more like a special supplement.

兼爱与功利主义是墨家思想的两大支点,但这两点并非同时形成。The concepts of Universal Love and utilitarianism, which did not appear simultaneously, were two cornerstones for the Mohism.