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忽略它。Ignore it.

忽视他们。Ignore them.

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忽视他或者她。Ignore him or her.

所以,为什么要忽略它呢?So, why ignore it?

但是,他们对他毫不理睬。But they ignore him.

公然无视他?Blatantly ignore him?

我们不能忽视它。We can not ignore it.

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孩子们都不理我。The children ignore me.

他们视而不见,听而不闻。They ignore complaints.

你会忽视哪个?Which would you ignore?

甚至连睬都不要睬他们。don't even ignore them.

是不在程序的第一部分代码中的。So I can now ignore that.

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我们不能撇下他不管。We should not ignore him.

一言蔽之,生物多样性容易被人们忽视。As a word, it's easy to ignore.

但是为什么要忽略上下文呢?But why would you ignore context?

现在,那个胖妞SX不理我了。Now, the fat gir-SX Ignore me TT.

但是这是完全错误的。They don't at all ignore history.

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想说我爱你,不要藐视别人。To say I love you, ignore slights.

那么大尊佛像谁能看不见啊?Who will ignore such a large joss?

霍尔姆斯敦促陪审团忽略贝内关于基因的证词。Holmes urged the jury to ignore it.