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我们可以说服你们吗?Can we convince you?

说服织曲者加入你。Convince the Songweaver to join you.

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你要说服他要有真凭实据。You'll need real proof to convince him.

他们俩谁也说不服谁。Neither of them could convince the other.

我们需要让他们确信是有好处的。We need to convince them of the benefits.

那辩论并没有完全让我信服。That argument doesn't convince me totally.

不要让魔鬼用别的方式说服你。Don't let the devil convince you otherwise.

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他连听都听不进,我又怎么能说服他呢?。How can I convince him when he won't listen?

要说服他很费口舌。It requires a lot of talking to convince him.

我不会尝试去说服你留校。I’m not going to try to convince you to stay.

连一些夏威夷的居民都不愿吃面包果。Even some Hawaii residents are hard to convince.

他的马拉松式的演说没能说服我们。His marathon speech was not able to convince us.

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现在我必须说服我的妻子放弃她的越野车。Now I have to convince my wife to give up her S.

这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

如何说服客户采纳你的方案?How to convince costumer to accept your proposal?

此刻我必须使他信服,然后我定杀了他。Now I must convince him and then I must kill him.

说服你们让你们相信那些观点是正确的。Try to convince you that those views are correct.

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我怎么样才能说服我的老板投资我们的新想法呢?How can I convince my boss to invest in our ideas?

取得信任通过谄媚或哄骗而说服或赢得。To convince or win over by flattering or cajoling.

但是你怎么能说服这些人住进这些小房子里呢?But how do you convince someone to live this small?