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一位可敬的员工。An honorable employee.

一切为了荣誉Do the honorable thing." Ah.

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奎瓦富是个正派人。Quiverful is an honorable man.

谢谢您,可敬可亲的朋友!Thank you, amiable honorable friends!

他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。His aim is honorable and praiseworthy.

吴泓先生是一位非常杰出的人物,他值得所有人尊敬和爱戴。He was a great man, a most honorable and worthy man.

他荣获模范教师的光荣称号。He was awarded the honorable title of model teacher.

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他们喜欢给客人献上哈达,表示尊敬。They like to give " Hada" to their honorable guests.

鼓吹性新闻有着漫长而光荣的历史。Advocacy journalism has a long and honorable history.

一小时前,一位诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.

祝各位尊敬的来宾身体健康、万事如意!And my best wishes to all of you, the honorable guest!

教他知道,失败比欺骗要光荣得多。Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.

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为什么雅比斯被认为比其他弟兄更尊贵呢?Why was Jabez considered more honorable than his brothers?

俄罗斯以3枚金牌、1枚银牌和一项优秀奖。Russia was second with 3 gold, 1 silver and 1 honorable mention.

我知道的,父亲,你是我生平所知道的最可尊敬的人。I know, father, you are the most honorable man I have ever known.

甚至威克姆在最后也做了可敬白勺事,娶了丽迪雅。Even Wickham ends up doing the honorable thing and marrying Lydia.

卜算未来是一门既古老又受人尊重的行业。Looking into the future is a very ancient and honorable procedure.

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即使有些人可能会说布莱克伍德伯爵比他更有荣誉感。Though some might say that Lord Blackwood has been more honorable.

威廉·斯宾塞阁下将于下周一来我校访问。The Honorable William Spencer will visit our university next Monday.

他是一个男孩,一名战士,俊美而凶狠,可敬却气愤。He is a boy and a soldier, beautiful and fierce, honorable and angry.