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这门关不上。The door will not fasten.

拿盖儿把这个罐子盖紧。Fasten the lid on the jar.

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请把安全带系好。Fasten your seat belt,please.

任何时候均扣上安全带。Fasten seat-belt at all times.

叫他去把箱子钉起来。Tell him to fasten up the box.

开车时必须系好安全带。You must fasten the seat-belt.

用带子把箱子捆牢。Fasten the straps round the case.

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打个结把线固定好。Fasten the thread off with a knot.

我系不上这个领扣。I can't fasten this collar button.

别自悲,暴牙很好!Fasten from Bei, tusk is very good!

系缆桩上拖缆绑牢。Fasten towing line on towing bitts.

把拖带系缆桩上拖缆绑牢。Fasten towing line on towing bitts.

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每个人都系好安全带了吗?Did everyone fasten their seat belt.

每个人都系牢安全带了吗?。Did everyone fasten their seat belt?

把鞍子系在马背上。Fasten the saddle on the horse's back.

一定要系好安全带。Make sure you fasten your safety belts.

记转—永远要系上安全带。Remember– always fasten your seat belt.

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别忘了扣紧这个领扣。Don‘t forget to fasten the collar button.

新闻报纸卷或胶卷硬纸筒的固定。To fasten newspaper or hard film cylinder.

开车时系好安全带。Fasten your seat belt while you're driving.