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我的腿抽筋了。My leg cramped up.

整个机舱挺狭小的。The cabin is quite cramped.

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这地方太局促了。This place is rather cramped.

这一切妨碍了他的进步。All these things cramped his progress.

拜伦又回到了狭窄的“乌贼号”上。Byron was back aboard the cramped devilfish.

火车车厢很快就变得拥挤、闷热。Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy.

她最近刚检查过这个狭窄的空间。Ms. Dell'Orco recently surveyed the cramped space.

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这些木头的接头处被叠在一起,用铁箍固定。The joints of the wood were overlapped and cramped.

小空间并不意谓着黑暗、肮脏、狭窄。Small spaces don't have to feel dark, dingy or cramped.

格拉夫的狭窄工作室在一个重新装修过的仓库里。De Graf works in a cramped studio in a redecorated warehouse.

在偌大的街面上,显得有些窘迫、局促。The streets in the huge, but seemed rather embarrassed, cramped.

哦我是如此讨厌飞机上拥挤的座位和干燥走味的空气。Oh how I hate the cramped quarters and dry, stale air on airplanes.

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一个有更充裕时间的计划比一个促狭的计划要轻松许多。A more spaced-out schedule is much more relaxing than a cramped one.

狭小的巴士里面闷热难耐,后排座位已经拆掉放行李了。Our cramped little bus is stiflingly hot and the backseat is no more.

由于游泳池水温太低,她的腿搐搦了。He legs cramped because the temperature of the swimming pool was too low.

疥疮是一种拥挤环境居住的人的主要疾病。Scabies is mainly a disease of people living together in cramped quarters.

如果房间很狭小,隔出房间的一角就行了。If you are cramped for space, a screened-off corner of a room will work well.

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机上的座位比较局促,特别是对“负荷大”或者“XXL”码的乘客来说。Seating is a bit cramped – not well suited for "wide load" or XXL passengers.

它们比被束缚在地面的交通工具更容易被控制和故障。They were cramped and broke down much more easily than ground-bound vehicles.

在它的影子底下,几十个员工和几张折叠桌子挤坐在一起。In its shadow, dozens of employees sit cramped at a handful of foldout tables.