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这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。This monk wears a gray frock.

这种女上衣已不时新了。The frock is now out of style.

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珍,你的衬裙露出来了。That frock shows your petticoat.

试试一些御姐范的高跟配上雅致的连衣服。Try some powerful heels with a delicate frock.

她还买了一件新衣服,在头上别着一支花。She bought a new frock and wore flowers in her hair.

杰弗里伸向他的法衣内并掏出两把手枪。Geoffrey reached beneath his frock and produced two pistols.

现在,英国人很少穿大礼服了。大礼服已经过时多年了。Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago.

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戴上面纱或穿上僧衣是一种取得永生的自杀。The taking of the veil or the frock is a suicide paid for with eternity.

‘我们见面那天,我只是穿了见夏天的小外套,胳膊都露在外面。’I was wearing a little summer frock the day we met, with my arms exposed.

这以后立刻进来了一个表情严历的男人。Immediately afterwards there entered a stern-looking man arrayed in a black frock.

别忘了带上你派对礼服,去参加夜间回程路上的鸡尾酒会。Don't forget to take your party frock for the cocktail party on the return evening journey.

她穿着打扮很仔细讲究。她穿上了一件白色的内衣,又套了一件黑色的星期日礼服。She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday frock.

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如果您正在寻找舒适,典雅,永恒的风格,密度泛函连衣裙会完全不一样的把戏。If you are looking for comfortable, elegant, timeless style, a DVF frock will do just the trick.

我们都想在每个场合穿不同的朗万礼服,但我们却不能选择。While we'd all like to wear a different Lanvin frock to each occasion, that's just not an option.

毕竟,就在不太久以前,所有男士还须穿著翼领衬衣和礼服大衣上班。After all it was not so long since every gentleman had gone to work in a wing collar and frock coat.

不常出席正式场合,花巨多的钱在这种服装上就会是浪费。Since formal occasions don't come that often, it can be a waste to spend a ton of money on one frock.

晨服—燕尾服,虽然很紧身但它是早期小外套的雏形。The morning coat, a pared-down frock coat, though still very fitted, set the trend for smaller coats.

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科季里昂舞跳完之后,老伯爵穿着蓝色燕尾服走到跳舞的人跟前。At the end of the cotillion, the old count in his blue frock coat went up to the young people who had been dancing.

自双排扣常礼服和有扣的鞋子盛行的时代起,金融受到了大约以10年为周期的经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环的冲击。Since the era of frock coats and buckled shoes, finance has been knocked back by booms and busts every ten years or so.

设计和制作了工具阴极和工装,用微秒级可调脉冲电源进行了微细电解加工的试验。Develop the cathode and frock . Process the trial of the Electrochemical micro-machining by using the μs-grade power supply.