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他的坏习惯又冒了出来。His bad habits began to resurface.

残余的原油深埋在沙子和沉积物中,它们可能会随时再被冲刷出来。Residual oil buried in sand or sediment may resurface over time.

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但是几周过去以后,人民币保持不变,批评又再次浮出水面。But as weeks elapsed and the yuan stayed put, the critics began to resurface.

如今奥运结束了,几乎可以肯定这种混乱会重新浮面。Now that the Games are over, it's a good bet that the turmoil will resurface.

是什么样的过去的时刻,当它重新浮现在我们心里的时候,还会引起共鸣?What are the moments in our past that still resonant when they resurface in our hearts?

东去的小路和一些地方的路肩都用柏油和沙砾重新铺过。Tar and gravel have been used to resurface the eastbound lane and, in places, the shoulder.

他的团队希望工程软骨最终能够用于治疗关节炎。His team hopes the engineered cartilage will eventually be used to resurface arthritic human joints.

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但是每次看起来十分可靠的关于基地组织领导人已死的传闻过后,这些基地组织领导人就会重新冒出来。But every time rumours of the al-Qaida leaders' deaths seemed credible, one or other would resurface.

让我们在跳进未来的海底罐罐之前,先回顾一下过去我们被承诺了什么。But before diving into what the near future holds, let's resurface what the distant past once promised.

然而,他们的自我意识根深蒂固,等就业市场转暖,难免又会故态重萌。But their sense of entitlement is an ingrained trait that will likely resurface in a stronger job market.

快乐,忧伤,爱恋,平静,一张简单的照片就可以让许多封存已久的情感重新浮出水面。Happiness, sadness, love, tranquility there are a ton of feelings that can resurface from a single photograph.

同时,克里斯蒂娜完成了与南度的交易,她叫丹尼与中国取得联系。He does not resurface. Meanwhile, Christina finishes her dealings with Nandu and tells Downey to contact China.

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甚至在一些看来有效的治疗之后,神奇莫测的癌细胞也会暂时隐藏起来,随时可能重新复发。Even after seemingly effective treatments, crafty cancer cells are able to hide out in some patients and resurface.

古代村落的遗迹因水电站建设而被淹没,而当湖水位下降时又重新露出水面。The ruins of an ancient village submerged by the construction of a hydroelectric dam resurface when lake levels are low.

HIV病毒会感染其它的许多种细胞并在病人的身体中潜伏下来,在将来的某时时刻再次发作。HIV can infect many other types of cells and may be hiding out in the patient's body to resurface at a later time, he said.

如果枪离开了最初使用者的控制,如本文所例举的利比亚反抗者,我们根本不知道这些枪会在什么时候和在什么人的手里重新出现。Once the guns move past the first user -- in this case, the rebels -- there's no predicting when or in whose hands they'll resurface.

两种治疗方法都希望能永久改变指定的记忆,防止它在某一天重现。The hope, with both methods, is to permanently alter the targeted memory to rule out the possibility that it could one day resurface.

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当日,海滩救生员接到一个电话称,在卡瓦岛北部,一名男子自中午下水后再也没有上来。Coastguard received a call saying the man had failed to resurface after going underwater early this afternoon just north of Kawau Island.

这些预言性的文字似乎在消费者的观念中、食品行业中——以及世界医学营养中,再三地浮现。These prophetic words seem to resurface rpeatedly in the consciousness of consumers and the food industry—and in the world of medical nutrition.

最后老汉拿定主意,他八十五岁了,隔了三十年才重返社会,已经没有自己的位置。In the end Lee decides there is no point for him, now an eighty-five year old man, to resurface into a society from which he has disappeared for three decades.