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还有笼子里的小兔子。And the rabbits in their hutch.

他们的宠物兔已回到西天的兔宫了。Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky.

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昨天早上,我发现我的一只兔子死在了它的笼子里。Yesterday morning, I found one of my rabbits dead in its hutch.

看看格里•哈奇那里,都眼泪汪汪的。或者我应该称他为修道士?Look at Gerry Hutch there, all tearful. Or should I say the Monk?

如果你有一只兔子,天天打扫它的笼子是一个好主意。If you have a rabbit, it is a good idea to clean its hutch every day.

方丈得知此事,指责广慈身为厨头不务本份。Abbot is informed this matter, censure wide kind as hutch head not this Wu portion.

不过兔舍是第一个改变而且已经不可思议的开始起了作用。The rabbit hutch is the first to actually come together, and it has worked phenomenally.

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了解如何创建和切出在这个自由自己动手做的一桌子的两侧木工视频厨。Learn how to create and cut out the sides of a desk hutch in this free DIY woodworking video.

两个姑娘走到院子角落里的一只兔笼前,观望起那只黑白两色的大兔子。The two girls went to the hutch that stood in a corner, and looked at the great black-and-white rabbit.

思翰请田凯帮助选择艺厨学校,田凯倡议他找一位名师直接学艺。Think John TianKai help, please select art hutch school, TianKai initiative he find a teacher. Directly here! !

独木舟桦木双雄新增两个大型仓储区,并增加与此双雄您的隐私独木舟桦木电脑工作中心。" Kayak Birch Hutch add large "storage" areas, and increase your privacy with this duo birch canoe center of your PC.

这时候后厨来人让汪掌柜和历秋辰赶紧去看看吧,曾师傅把自己给烧着了。At that time after hutch to let wang the shopkeeper and through the autumn go and have a look, master had to burn himself.

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因此,表里不一是厨柜产业所存在的普遍现象,一定程度上,带有欺骗性。Accordingly, duplicity is the common phenomenon that place of hutch ark industry exists, on certain level, contain beguiling sex.

厨房的布置形式根据厨房面积大小来定,可以餐厨分开,也可餐厨合一。Of the kitchen decorate a form to be decided according to kitchen area size, can eat hutch is apart, also but eat hutch syncretic.

由于装修预算有限,厨卫就通过一些细节来实现女主人许多装修的想法。Because decorate a budget finite, hutch defends the notion that comes to a lot of decorating realize goodwife through a few detail.

学生们帮忙在学校附近的教堂设立一个树脂玻璃蜂箱,并设计一系列要蜜蜂来解答的智力测验。The students helped set up a Plexiglas bee hutch in a church near the school, and designed a series of puzzles for the bees to solve.

索宜和女儿走投无路,决议去曼谷娜丽太太家做厨娘,也能够与分别22年的亲生女儿见面。SuoYi and daughter cornered resolution to Bangkok na li wife home and do hutch niang, also can respectively 22 years own daughter met.

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两房南北通透,厅朝南的,厨卫朝北,现在是毛坯,小区中间位置。Two rooms the north-south transparent hall facing south, hutch defends toward the north, and now is a blank, the village middle position.

本发明公开了一种安全有效的用于治疗家兔疥螨病和兔舍环境杀螨的乳剂。The invention discloses an emulsifying agent for safely and effectively treating rabbit sarcoptidosis and killing mites in a rabbit hutch.

贸易从事的是进口顶级石材,厨卫设备,五金建材,技术与商务信息咨询等业务。Trade in the import top stone, hutch defends equipment, metal building materials, technology and business information consulting business.