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多佛尔版。Dover Edition.

是多佛邮车吗?Is that the Dover mail?

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乘这辆公共汽车可抵达多佛尔海滩。This bus goes to Dover beach.

她游过多佛尔海峡。She swam over the Strait of Dover.

欢迎来到多佛,啊呀!伯肯黑德公爵。Welcome to dover my lord birkenhead.

她游过了多佛尔海峡。She swam across the straight of Dover.

这条船来往于多佛与加来之间。This ship runs between Dover and Calais.

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我们经多佛和加来而到巴黎。We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais.

他搭便车到了多佛,天快黑时。He hitchhiked to Dover and, towards evening.

十分钟后我们出发去多佛然后到法国的加来。We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes.

离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。After leaving Calais, the ship made for Dover.

轮船向多佛尔方向驶去。The ship was sailing in the direction of Dover.

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定期往返于多佛和布伦之间的渡轮。The ferry that plies between dover and boulogne.

多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。The port of Dover is Englands gateway to Europe.

法国人在多佛干的这事难道不建筑评定脱欧的仇记载犯罪?。Isn't the French action at Dover a Brexit hate crime?

在东岸克罗默和多佛之间的某处。Somewhere on the east coast between Cromer and Dover.

这里的样本其他书籍在这方面多佛尔港的类别。Here's a sample of other books in this Dover category.

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往返于多佛和加来港之间的渡船。Ferries sailing back and forth between Dover and Calas.

后来,Bayeus的Odo主教又在此地修建了著名的多佛堡。Later, Bishop Odo of Bayeus built the great Dover Castle.

乘客及船员都被多佛尔的救生艇救出。The passenger and crew is bring off by the dover lifeboat.