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父母不能控制电视,因为电视实在是无处不在。Parents cannot possibly control television, with its titanic omnipresence.

但邓文迪在中国媒体里无处不在的原因不仅仅是因为她自己。But Wendi Murdoch's omnipresence in the Chinese press is not simply about her.

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这种例子并不少见,但没有比无处不在的错误消息更普遍的了。Nowhere is it more prevalent, though, than in the omnipresence of error messages.

影片中从来没有加以评论的一个潜在题目,是无所不在的有吸引力的亚洲女性。A subtext the movie never comments on is the omnipresence of attractive Asian women.

马克斯·威勒克利用大量的电影图像进行创作,并且与电影的普遍存在有着密切的联系。Markus Willeke works with numerous cinematic and in close relation to the cinema's omnipresence.

此外,泛神论否认无处不在的,因为全部的上帝的,是目前在任何一个地方。Furthermore, pantheism denies omnipresence , since the totality of God's being is present in no one place.

这是说,在基督的本性里,在他神圣的无所不在和他神圣的爱里,他渴望要住在我们的心里。It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in.

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马克斯·威勒克利用大量的电影图像进行创作,并且与电影的普遍存在有着密切的联系。Markus Willeke works with numerous cinematic references pictures and in close relation to cinema's omnipresence.

从球场中的每个座位,每个角度回想着这些时刻,你都有一种无处不在的感觉。There's a feeling of omnipresence as you remember the moment from every seat in the ground, from every possible angle.

对慈运理来说,路德肯定人的身体的无所不在,无可避免地会否定人的身体的真正本质。For Zwingli, Luther's affirmation of a human body's omnipresence inevitably negated the very essence of what a human body is entirely.

有时,人们会说宗教信仰的普遍存在证明了的确有一个无所不在的神存在。Sometimes it is suggested that the omnipresence of religious belief constitutes confirmation or validation of an omnipresent divinity.

不同人物的不同视角揭示了丽蓓卡的无所不在和她的“外表美”与“内心恶”的本质。Different points of view of different narrators reveal her omnipresence and on her nature of the angelic exterior and the satanic interior.

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师父藉画作传送给我力量和智慧,让我彻底转变旧有的信念,体悟到师父的力量无所不在!Master conveyed power and wisdom through Her paintings, changing my beliefs completely so that I realize the omnipresence of the Master power!

我们不会透露诚信测试的确切次数,因为我们希望保守机密,让人们觉得随时都会有测试。We don’t reveal the exact number of integrity tests we do because we want to keep that confidential and create the appearance of omnipresence.

甚至国际媒体也对法国年轻、充满活力、热心的总统的无处不在感到狂热,萨尔科奇如今可以利用一下这种造势。Even the international press thrilled at the omnipresence of France s young, dynamic can-do President, and Sarko could use some of that spin now.

由于二恶英普遍存在,因而所有人都有接触的环境且身体里都有一定程度的二恶英,也就产生了所谓的机体负担。Due to the omnipresence of dioxins, all people have background exposure and a certain level of dioxins in the body, leading to the so-called body burden.

而移动电子商务能弥补这种缺憾,它以其快捷方便、无所不在的特点,已成为一种新的商务趋势。Therefore, Mobile E-Commerce can remedy this kind of short-coming , it becomes a new commercial trend, with its characteristic of convenience and omnipresence.

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虽无从得知确切细节,但该报告表明在阿富汗,空军携导弹“捕食者”、“收割者”号无人驾驶飞机正遍地搜寻激进分子。The reports show in previously unknown detail the omnipresence of drones in Afghanistan, the Air Force’s missile-toting Predators and Reapers that hunt militants.

展会旨在引领群众参与有关设计和日常生活的讨论,让群众意识到设计在生活中无处不在。The exhibition aims to lead the public to participate in the discussion on design and daily life and arouse their consciousness of the omnipresence of design in life.

这个名字已经存在了三千年——艺术、民俗、教会乃至人口普查,都能见到他的身影。He has persisted for three millennia—an omnipresence in art, folklore, churches, and census rolls. To Muslims, he is Daoud, the venerated emperor and servant of Allah.