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门和盖子的伸缩支承挡。Telescopic Stay for doors and lids.

科学家们用望远镜照相机摄制天空星球图。The scientists photomapped the skies by using a telescopic camera.

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任何借助望远镜瞄准器的像样射手都可以随意把我们逐个干掉。Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random.

再接下来对兼语式复合词进行分类。Follow that, study classification of compound words of telescopic form.

套筒冠修复体的最主要优势是可修补性。The primary advantage of a telescopic prosthesis is its retrievability.

伸缩式双弹芯穿甲弹是动能穿甲弹的一个新概念。The telescopic projectile is a kind of new idea for the KE projectiles.

请伸展伸缩式天线并调整角度以改善接收效果。Extend the telescopic antenna and adjust the angle for optimum reception.

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连接采用浮动式伸缩结构,可适应变形。Connect with telescopic floating structure used to adapt to the deformation.

望远镜照片展示这个壮观星团的数十万恒星。Telescopic views reveal the spectacular cluster's hundreds of thousands of stars.

目的评价简易套筒冠覆盖义齿的临床应用前景。Objective To evaluate the clinical perspective of analogical telescopic prosthesis.

本文提出了一种新颖的柱面伽里略透射望远系统。In this paper, a new cylindric transmission Galilean telescopic system is presented.

警方称,他们发现了一支猎枪和一支22毫米口径的来福枪,并带有望远瞄准镜。Police said they recovered a shotgun and a . 22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight.

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简要介绍了管柱伸缩器的结构、工作原理及用途。The structure, work principle and application of tubing telescopic unit is introduced.

其独特的曲线形伸缩式动臂设计可以提供额外的堆叠空间。Its unique design of a curve-shaped, telescopic boom provides extra space for stacking.

采用优质PP材料,伸缩式挂钩设计,适合书写及悬挂。It is made of superior PP materials, telescopic pothook designed, helpful hand to write.

BS系统的膨胀拴可以确保调整过长度的杖杆的稳固。The BS expander makes sure that the telescopic sections hold firm at the adjusted length.

天文观测发现了14颗之前未知的星体位于柯伊伯带附近。A telescopic sky survey finds 14 previously unknown objects in and around the Kuiper Belt.

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但是运用升降式脚手架无法进行济南伸缩蓬的施工作业。But lifting scaffolding can not be used for construction work of Ji'nan telescopic awning.

结论杆式附着体及双套冠式覆盖义齿是一种理想的修复形式。Conclusion The bar attachment and the telescopic overdentures are ideal types of prostheses.

这些为今后套筒式伸展臂的发展和实际应用奠定了理论基础。These provide the condition of further modification and practicality of the telescopic mast.