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她给他一个娇嗔。She gave him a coquetry.

学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。Learn to be mischievous and coquetry.

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这,便是卖萌撒娇的时刻。This is the moment to play the coquetry.

他的殷勤,表现在喜欢陪着车夫们喝酒。His coquetry consisted in drinking with the carters.

当慧子沉迷于展献魅力时,我也秀了秀5A的旗帜。I showed 5A's flag while Feizi was indulging in coquetry.

她笑了,一面扭动着肩膀,做出一副。She laughed, twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry.

原来喜欢板着脸的女人,更喜欢在心爱的男人面前撒娇。The original love with woman, more like the man in front of coquetry.

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看那个披上外衣的化妆盒在娇滴滴地向你撒娇。See that the Huazhuanghe in typically covered with jackets to your coquetry.

她撒娇一般地缩了缩脖子,依在了男人的肩上。Her coquetry general reduction of the shrunken neck, depending on a man's shoulders.

天真的极端和爱俏的极端是相连的,她向他微笑,毫无意图。As extreme innocence borders on extreme coquetry , she smiled at him with all frankness.

而她却又摆出了,一副撒娇的模样,在少年看来真是哭笑不得,爱恨不已。And she was put out, a pair of coquetry appearance, in the juvenile seems to really know, love hate.

比如两个年轻人谈恋爱,难道需要别人去指教他们到底是该合还是该分、该撒娇还是该献殷勤吗?For example, two young people in love, is the need to enlighten them to the others or the sub-Hop, and the coquetry of the Xianyanqin?

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有人认为,房地产是政府的“宠儿”,最有权利撒娇,所以我们可以看到或听到利益集团为房价疯涨的不懈辩护。It was felt that real estate is the "pet", the most right coquetry , we can see or hear interests prices fluctuate for the tireless defence.

她深深地吸了口气,勇敢地迎着他的目光,她既然敢于冲出去抓那件她最害怕的东西。一切的风情媚态便都不复存在了。She drew a deep breath and met his eyes squarely, all coquetry and airs gone as her spirit rushed out to grapple that which she feared most.

金泰熙的演技转换亮点是她的撒娇戏。与此同时,更有跟她的撒娇完美配合,相得益彰的宋承宪,更加令人期待这部剧的播出。KTH's acting highlight is her coquetry conversion play. At the same time, her cute act is perfectly matched by SSH, this drama is a lot more exciting to expect.

但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽鉴人、细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.

但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽黑人,细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.