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对流层和平流层主要模态之间的耦合。Coupling between Tropospheric and Stratospheric Leading Modes.

用GCM研究火山喷发作为平流层水气增加的原因。GCM Study of Volcanic Eruptions as a Cause of Increased Stratospheric Water Vapor.

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每逢南半球春季,南极洲平流层中都会出现不祥的臭氧层空洞。Every austral spring, an ominous “hole” appears in stratospheric ozone over Antarctica.

目前尚不清楚大气平流层吸收的污染物会对气候造成何种影响。It was unclear what impact the Asian stratospheric pollution might have on the climate.

但现在杜卡迪的存货销售应该是扶摇直上三千尺。But the amount of merchandising that Ducati is about to sell is going to be stratospheric.

平流层飞艇在靠浮力升空的过程中,需要对其进行姿态稳定控制。During blastoff of the stratospheric airship by buoyancy, stable attitude control is needed.

提出由罗兰C辅助北斗双星对同温层气球进行定位的方法。A stratospheric balloon positioning method using the Loran-C augmented Beidou system is proposed.

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2007年,特灵再次荣获美国环保署颁发的“最优秀”同温层臭氧保护大奖。In 2007, Trane was awarded by the U. S. EPA again with the "Best-of-Best" Stratospheric Ozone protection.

高昂的价格超出了收入一般的父母的支付能力,尽管他们希望买一件精品礼服。Its stratospheric price takes it far out of the reach of the average parent looking for a nice party dress.

珍珠云,也称为极地平流云,会造南极臭氧空洞的形成。Nacreous clouds—also known as polar stratospheric clouds—contribute to the formation of the polar ozone holes.

驾驶员被警告避免把钱花在因尖端价格而提高标价的高速公路服务区。MOTORISTS are being warned to avoid spending money at rip-off motorway service areas because of stratospheric prices.

平流层飞艇具有极高的实用价值,是国内外临近空间开发的研究热点。Stratospheric airships are at present a focus of worldwide near-space development due to their specific applications.

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该系统以平流层平台和地球同步卫星为量子中继站,分发纠缠光子对。It is using stratospheric platform and geosynchronous satellite as quantum repeater to deliver entangled photon pairs.

本文分析了在新指数不同位相下,QBO对平流层纬向平均纬向风、经向风、温度以及位势高度场的影响。The influence of QBO on the zonal mean stratospheric zonal and meridional wind, temperature and geopotential height is analyzed.

平流层里水蒸汽含量如此微小的变动可以造成如此巨大的影响,正是因为平流层早己非常干燥。Such a small change in stratospheric water vapour can have such a large effect precisely because the stratosphere is already dry.

气球吊篮姿态控制系统是吊篮在空中保持姿态稳定、进行姿态调整的关键部件。The stratospheric nacelle attitude control system is the key technology in keeping position stabilization and posture adjustment.

根据极地涡旋的水平平流能解释2002年南极较大的平流层变暖到什么程度吗?To what extent can the 2002 Antarctic major stratospheric warming be explained by horizontal advection of the vortex from the pole?

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这些碳氢化合物冷却剂将取代现在的冷却剂,后者对大气臭氧层和气候系统有着危害。These hydrocarbon-based coolants would replace existing refrigerants that harm the stratospheric ozone layer and the climate system.

在能源价格高不可攀的今天,我们的一百强中有十一家为顾客提供石油和天然气。In a world of stratospheric energy prices, it's natural that 11 of our 100 paragons supply hungry consumers with oil and natural gas.

南极臭氧洞的形成与南极平流层云及其非均相化学过程有很大关系。The formation of Antarctic ozone hole is mainly related to the polar stratospheric clouds and the processes of heterogeneous chemistry.