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持续时间有长有短。Duration has long have short.

持续有长有短。The duration of a long short.

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跃层持续时间达8个月。Thermocline duration of 8 months.

目前我们知道了时值和重音这两个途径So so far we've had duration and accent.

秘法不动咒进阶版。持续时间较长。Arcane Bindings it has a longer duration.

中位缓解时间为11个月。Median duration of reponse was 11 months.

其最佳贮藏期为28天。Thc optimum storage duration was 28 days.

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存续期是衡量利率风险的一个指标.Duration is a measure of interest-rate risk.

你认为ETV的播放时间适中吗?。Do you think the duration of ETV is suitable?

其持续时间就是整个呼叫的时间。Its duration is the length of the entire call.

风暴之眼的持续时间从12秒减少到10秒。Eye of the Storm duration reduced to 10 from 12.

脑缺氧后小鼠存活时间。Survival duration of mice after cerebral anoxia.

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什么是体系架构的生命期?What is the duration of architectural life span?

缩短了的缺头音节或尾音节的。The duration of a syllable in quantitative verse.

最长的全球套票航期是一年。The maximum duration of a RTW ticket is one year.

护甲削减持续时间统一为5秒。Armor Reduction duration fixed at 5s at all ranks.

飓风魔法的持续时间从10秒提高到15秒。Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10.

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绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。Duration is the central conception in bergson ism.

隐形术雕文的持续时间增加。Glyph of Invisibility duration has been increased.

延期停留须同时延长套票晚数。Stay behind must also extend the package duration.