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钓鱼饲他的主耀爱好。Angling his main hobby.

大牛,你怎么也钓上鱼了啊?Daniel, why are you also angling here?

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我感觉到摄影机转向天空。I sensed the camera angling up toward the sky.

如今,他们连一微秒都要想方设法赢得。Today, they're angling for a one-microsecond edge.

试用照相机斜著照,照出来的相片更有意思。Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.

这正是这个服务一直谋求的事情。And this is something the service has been angling for.

看上去是把古代短剑,它悬在空中。It appeared to be an ancient dagger, angling in the air.

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魁北克是一个户外者的天堂,并具有丰富的垂钓历史。Quebec is an outdoorsman's paradise, and has a rich angling history.

当别人单刀直入时我就会手足无措,就想和人家干一架。I am flat-footed when someone comes right at me, angling for a fight.

在自适应转向雪鞋的脚需要一个简单的钓鱼。Turning in adaptive snowshoeing requires a simple angling of the foot.

轻微调节落地桶鼓的摆放角度使声波散射和漫反射。Angling a tom slightly causes sound waves to scatter, and diffuses them.

米斯说它可能是想来些小点心,但是她有其他的事情要做。Meese said he was probably angling for a snack. But she had things to do.

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一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中。An adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures.

现在主要用于休闲划船,散步,垂钓和骑车。It is now used primarily for leisure boating, walking, angling and cycling.

另一种情况是使用更小的角度来剪一个正式的寸头。Another occasion for the use of less angling is when creating a true buzz cut.

我也非常喜欢钓鱼,坐在河边钓鱼是多么地悠闲自得啊。I'm very fond of fishing too. It's so restful sitting by the riverside angling.

他们也在河边度过美妙的时光,在那里钓美味的鳟鱼。They spent reflective moments on the banks of streams, angling for tasty trout.

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有人说库德林正谋求在普京再次任总统期间担任总理一职。He was said to be angling for the prime minister's job under a new Putin presidency.

尽管我仍期待接下来能有一个‘为妻子足底按摩年’。Although I'm still angling for the Year of Giving My Wife Foot Massages as a follow-up.

大约从那时起,钓鱼就是为了吃鱼的意念便深深地扎根于我的脑中了。About Since then, angling is to the idea of eating fish is deeply rooted in the minds of.