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然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative.

我有很多男性朋友,但一碰到要彻底进行的性行为时总是拒绝。I had boyfriends, but always drew the line at penetrative sex.

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萧红的小说浸润着浓烈深刻的生命悲剧意识。Therc is an obvious and penetrative tragic consciousness in XIAO Hong' novels.

中国对全球所具有的穿透力和爆炸力都是巨大的。The penetrative and explosive force that China has in facing globalization is enormous.

添加生物玻璃表面润湿性较差,但涂层内贯穿性裂纹减少。With adding bioglass into Ti powders, the wettability was poor but the penetrative cracks decreased.

我坚持每次都使用安全套,就我认识的直人中没有一个人有这种坚持。I personally know of not a single heterosexual person who has used condoms every time they have had penetrative sex.

实验研究不同渗透压和循环渗透周次下水的渗透规律。The water penetrative mechanism was derived from the study under the conditions of different pressure or pressure cycles.

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对含泥量高、渗透性差的矿石,添加渗滤物质以改善渗透性能进行了研究。Bad penetrability ore which has high mud content is examined by adding penetrative matter in order to improve ore penetrability.

上海博物馆展出一件铜镜——“透光镜”,它是西汉时期的珍品,直径为11.5厘米。In Shanghai Museum, one finds a treasure of the Western Han period, the "penetrative bronze mirror", measuring 11.5cm in diameter.

陶瓷透水砖是一种经过特殊工艺制成的具有连续孔隙的生态型环保陶瓷砖。The water permeable ceramic brick is a kind of environmental protection product with penetrative pores made by special technology.

其视野开阔,见解独到,对法律纠纷往往有精到的研究,尤其擅长于各类重大、复杂、疑难案件的分析与解决。His broad vision, innovative approaches and penetrative analysis helps much in resolving many major, complex and difficult disputes.

上海博物馆展出一件铜镜——“透光镜”,它是西汉时期的珍品,直径为11.5厘米。In Shanghai Museum, one finds a treasure of the Western Han period, the " penetrative bronze mirror", and measuring 11.5cm in diameter.

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水分子虽然可以以简单渗透扩散方式通过细胞膜,但是扩散速度非常缓慢。Although water molecules may pass through the cell membranes in a simple penetrative diffusion mode, this diffusion velocity is very slow.

本发明公开了一种绿松针茶的生产工艺,主要由青绿松针及大枣、经洗净、烘干、研磨等过程,最后装透气袋即得。The green pine tea is produced with green pine needle and date, through the steps of washing, stoving, grinding and packing in penetrative bag.

朴将更多的中场进球作为自己的目标,同时他表示将更果断的从两翼发动更具渗透性的进攻。Park is targeting a more goals from United's midfield and plans to be more direct and penetrative when attacking from the left and right flanks.

全穿刺导致椎间盘高度下降,糖胺聚糖含量下降,和更高的豆状核变性。Penetrative puncture resulted in a faster decrease in disc height, lower glycosaminoglycan content, and higher grades of histologic degeneration.

前级聚能装药侵彻技术和两级隔爆技术在串联战斗部的设计研究中占有重要地位。The forward shaped charge's penetrative technology and the two-stage explosion-proof technology are two key technologies in the studies of tandem warhead.

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对于男女双方,这都是非常享受的,即使没有那种极致的性爱,也能增加彼此的亲密度。This can be very pleasurable for both men and women and it is a great way for getting intimate with your partner, without actually having penetrative sex.

大众媒介对青少年的有着渗透性的影响,青少年对大众媒介的接触行为特点决定了青少年次文化的特点和发展趋势。Mass Media has the penetrative influence on adolescent, so the adolescent's contact to it determines the features and tendency of the Adolescent Subculture.

论述了利用有限元技术在ANSYS中模拟螺栓预紧力的预紧力单元法、降温法和渗透接触法等方法。Three methods such as the pretension element, decreasing temperature and penetrative contact methods are discussed in ANSYS by using finite element technology.