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还有一个赞比亚铜矿的事例。Or there’s the example of the Zambian copper mines.

可在赞比亚的维多利亚瀑布结束这次旅程。End your journey on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls.

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矿物质图片画廊。孔雀石从赞比亚矿似乎采取的形式像是园形的豌豆。Malachite from a Zambian mine seems to take the form of rounded peas.

昌比希铜矿的骚乱很快蔓延至赞比亚政界。The turmoil at the Chambishi mine quickly bled into Zambian politics.

穆索莱将调查结果向赞比亚有关各部做了通报。Musole's findings were shared with various Zambian government ministries.

我们的第一个目标是骑在赞比亚卡里巴方长湖。Our first target was to ride the length of Lake Kariba on the Zambian side.

兄弟们还雇佣了赞比亚人力资源主任,科里穆诺。The brothers have also hired a Zambian human resources officer, Corry Moono.

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在离开欧文斯夫妇的营地后,贾斯蒂斯告诉我,他在赞比亚空军服过役。After leaving the Owenses’ camp Justice said he worked for the Zambian Air Force.

赞比亚选举委员会也于27日宣布,大选相关工作已准备就绪。Zambian electoral commission announced on May 27, election-related work is ready.

他们包括贝宁湾,干比亚,埃塞阿比亚,马达加斯加,利比亚,赞比亚。They include Benin, Gambia, and Ethiopia, Chana along with Madagascar, Liberia, and Zambian.

赞比亚检察总长发自2004年的一封信也承认这个案件难度很大。A letter from the Zambian inspector general sent in 2004 acknowledges the difficulty of the case.

特卡奇并未同阿摩司讨论是否把克里斯托弗•欧文斯的事报告给赞比亚当局。Tkach didn't discuss with Amos the idea of reporting Christopher Owens to the Zambian authorities.

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赞比亚检察总长发自2004年的一封信也承认这个案件难度很大。A letter from the Zambian inspector general, sent in 2004, acknowledges the difficulty of the case.

在电影中赞比亚贸易部长谈到了西方官员办事效率低下以及手续繁多。In the film the Zambian trade minister talks about how Western officials are slow and bureaucratic.

2003年11月6日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂与来华进行国事访问的赞比亚总统姆瓦纳瓦萨举行会谈。Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, who was on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People.

儿童由于心智尚未成熟,必须从不断的赞关与肯定中,得到鼓励。Because immature children, we must continuously from the Zambian customs and certainly, be encouraged.

一家赞比亚进口商号来信询问我们能否出口大量车床。A Zambian importer wrote us enquiring about the possibility of our exporting laths in large quantities.

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他们继续道,“‘格杀勿论’政策只被赞比亚政府的狩猎巡防队用于自卫。They go on, “The ‘shoot to kill policy’ is only used by Zambian government Game Scouts in self defense.

赞比亚的工会在Sata当选之后也迅速开始行动,发起了一系列的罢工。Zambian unions have been quick out the gate since Sata’s election, by embarking on a series of strikes.

他们继续道,“‘格杀勿论’政策只被赞比亚政府的狩猎巡防队用于自卫。They go on, "The 'shoot to kill policy' is only used by Zambian government Game Scouts in self defense."