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那路是旷野。This is a wilderness road.

我们有土地,也有荒野。You have land and wilderness.

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啊!荒野也就变成了天堂。Ah, wilderness were paradise enow!

荒原呀,啊,便是天堂!Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!

“那个地区实在太荒凉了,”他说。“It’s wilderness up there ” he said.

在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险。Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.

这里曾是印度的大荒野。This was once India's great wilderness.

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这些画家喜欢画莽莽原野。These artists loved painting the wilderness.

迦南当然远胜旷野。Canaan was certainly better than the wilderness.

撒旦40天在旷野试探耶稣。Satan tempts Jesus for 40 days in the wilderness.

耶稣走进荒野去独自思考。Jesus went out into the wilderness to think alone.

凌乱的荒野,围向山峰。It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill.

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院子里杂草丛生,煤堆满地。The yard is a wilderness of weed and heaped of coal.

野旷天低树,江清月近人。The low sky emerges with the trees in the wilderness.

在内华达旷野中很少小镇。Towns in the Nevada wilderness are few and far between.

雷米尔斯此行来到加拿大冷酷的荒野。Ray Mears journeys into Canada's unforgiving wilderness.

野营地有其自身独特的魅力。The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment.

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大卫起身,下到巴兰的旷野。Then David rose and went down to the wilderness of Paran.

巨大的推土机迅猛地从荒野中推出路来。Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.

所以在神话中,荒野是很恶劣的环境。So in the myth the wilderness is a very harsh environment.