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每个人都以这样那样的方式写这个题材。Everyone writes of them in one guise or another.

他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。AND swindled under the guise of the company's name.

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一个樵夫装束的人出现在城堡的大门口。A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.

在虚幻的伪装下,他自我的真相得到了清晰的表达。In the guise of a fiction, the truth about himself is articulated.

他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。He often swaggered AND swindled under the guise of the company's name.

为什么人类假借改善的名义而毁坏土地呢?Why do humans mutilate the land under the guise of making improvements?

印那瑞斯本人伪装成一个人类,作为光之大教堂先知。Inarius took the guise of a human as The Prophet of the Cathedral of Light.

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我们最后一次看到活点地图,是在小巴蒂•克劳奇乔装穆迪的时候。The last we saw of it, Barty Crouch Jr. had taken it in the guise of Moody.

以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs.

一个强盗装扮成有声望的古董商。One of the robbers went under the guise of a respectable dealer in antiques.

这本书以小说的形式提供了很多优秀而具有普遍性的个人理财建议。This book offers good, general personal finance advice in the guise of a novel.

就在第二天,我遭到了一记重拳般的抨击,不过这倒让我最终赢得了选举。The very next day, I was handed the election in the guise of a crippling body blow.

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我不认为满足是一种美德,这只不过是得过且过者的伪装罢了。I don’t think contentment is much of a virtue — it’s more of a guise for mediocrity.

一答应替荣借尸还魂,但却安排荣借昏迷不醒的华还阳。A promise for honor, but arrange new guise of China through unconscious glory return.

金融业在创新的幌子下,在原来的风险之上又增加了意料之外的风险。The financial sector, under the guise of innovation, piled ill-considered risk upon risk.

‘圣殿武士团’打着保护朝圣者的旗号,实则在完成他们的使命。The idea of protection of pilgrims was the guise under which theTemplars ran their mission.

它在这里换上面罩似的词句和破衣烂衫似的隐喻。There it clothes itself in word-masks, in metaphor-rags. In this guise it becomes horrible.

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在悲剧作品中,命运总是伪装在逻辑和自然性之中并自我感觉良好。In a tragic work fate always makes itself felt better in the guise of logic and naturalness.

孩子切以上眼睑。罐铰链盖。盖支持解除协助。"blepharectomy" children over. can stop the lid. guise of supporting the lifting assistance.

变身成巨鸟的老巫师却对姐妹们穷追不舍,使她们惊吓不已。The old magician, still in his guise as a great bird, continually chased and frightened them.