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钢之刃我召唤汝。Blade of steel I conjure thee.

我恳求你听取我的请求。I conjure you to hear my plea.

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她的祖父教她变魔术。Her grandfather taught her to conjure.

那么,我们的大脑是如何造出神灵的呢?So how does the brain conjure up gods?

我们当然也可以想象得出其它的情境。We can conjure other teasing theories.

她能在半小时内变出一顿好餐。She can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.

这样看来,这孩子早已懂得召唤妖火。So, the child could already conjure faerie fire.

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暗紫色使人联想起忧郁和悲伤。Darker purples can conjure gloominess and sadness.

请想象出一幅古埃及生活的画面。Try to conjure up a picture of life in ancient Egypt.

有时候我还会幻想没去过的地方——像外太空。Sometimes I would conjure a new place—even outer space.

一提到弗拉门戈舞,你就联想到吉他和激情。Think of flamenco and you conjure up guitars and passion.

到1920年,福克斯和环球已经声名显赫。By 1920, Fox and Universal were already names to conjure with.

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超级兔看见了一群人在挨饿,立刻用魔棒变出了食物。So we use the wand to conjure up the book, pencils and erasers.

我们各人对于这四个字都有不同的感觉。What different sensations those words conjure up to each of us.

又惊又怕的我竟一时语塞,没有勇气开口说话。Shocked and scared, I could not conjure up the courage to speak.

记得那时候妈总是变戏法似的从背后拎出这些小玩艺来。Remember when mom always conjure from behind one of these gadgets.

它既不能召唤独角兽,也不会让别人爱你。It doesn’t conjure any unicorns.It doesn’t make someone love you back.

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所有这三个国家的风景就像变戏法式的出现伊甸园和地狱般的幻想一样。Landscapes in all three countries conjure visions of both Eden and hell.

你所想到的那类回忆才能有助于你孝顺父亲呢?What kinds of memories can you conjure up that will help you honor your dad?

五个小时之后,我最终变出了一个头痛和地毯上的一滩污渍。After five hours I've managed to conjure a headache and a stain on the carpet.