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他将窗帘打环卷起。He looped the curtain back.

萨姆醉得一踏糊涂,根本不能开车。Sam is too looped to drive.

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他们用绳子把那个贼捆了起来。They looped a rope around the thief.

飞机连翻了三个跟头。The plane looped the loop three times.

那位飞行员作了八次翻筋斗的飞行表演。The airman looped the loop eight times.

对任何标准DMX512信号可以进行放大。Any standard DMX512 signal can be looped out.

他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。He looped the hand grenade into the enemy trench.

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士兵将一枚手榴弹呈弧形抛进敌方掩蔽壕里。The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.

录像反复播个不停,这是永久的现在时。The video looped over and over, in an eternal present tense.

当它播放出来的音频是在上环回线装置。When audio is playing out it is looped back in on the Line Device.

这种线圈结构让针织布比梭织布更有弹性。This looped structure makes knitted fabrics more elastic than woven cloth.

俄罗斯第一次发现这些单环把手铸铁球。Russians first discovered these cast iron balls with single looped handles.

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两个小时以后,这圈粒子已经扩大并且远离太阳。Two hours later, the looped mass had expanded and was moving away from the Sun.

禁区内的舍甫琴柯并不越位,在第一时间起脚打门,大力施射越过巴普蒂斯塔直入网窝。Shevchenko was onside and striking first time, he looped the ball over Baptista and in.

我所知道的习惯性的拖拉者数年来都是在这样的怪圈中打转。The chronic procrastinators I know have spent years of their life looped in this cycle.

然而,并无法使用迴圈的方式浏览注册物件,或是将注册物件指定给物件的阵列。However, a registered object cannot be looped over or assigned in arrays of objects, etc.

扳手在踏板上,链条在方向盘上,一部电话就控制着这一切。Wrenches on the pedals, a chain looped on the steering wheel, a phone controlling it all.

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环状的绳子、带子或链子,用于支撑、架起或提升某物,尤指。A looped rope, strap, or chain for supporting, cradling , or hoisting something, especially.

最可能发生的情况是扁带的一边绕过主锁内部。The most likely scenario is that one side of the sling was looped back through the carabiner.

椭圆形坦桑石,钻石镶嵌在环形的独特设计上。Oval Tanzanite and Diamonds are "looped" together for a unique design in high-fashion jewelry.