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给她一盏“金杯毒酒”。Hand her a poisoned chalice.

刀刃与圣杯守护伊门宅。The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates.

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剑刃和圣餐杯守护在她的门外。The blade and chalice guarding o'er her gates.

如果你有高脚杯就乘坐它离开这里。If you have the chalice hop on and ride it out of here.

朝鲜领导层有点像一只被下毒的圣杯。The leadership of North Korea could be a poisoned chalice.

像端着高脚杯一样,把自己有缺口的锡杯递给了内奥米。He held the dented tin cup like a chalice and handed it to Naomi.

它可能看起来像一个圣餐杯,或像两个人面对面的轮廓。It can look like a chalice or like two silhouettes faring each other.

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她在本质上是个女人,换句话说,是一个食客和一只酒杯。She was essentially feminine in other words a parasite and a chalice.

特别是我们啜饮神圣的粉红色的姐妹杯的时候!Especially the part where we sipped from the secret pink chalice of sisterhood!

从地球的一端到另一端,他释放了圣杯中的全部勇气。From one end of the world to the other he has drained deep the chalice of courage.

而他将举起冠军奖杯,胜利的象征“三强冠军杯”!Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!

露西林之下,圣杯静候,寝室四处乃艺术结晶,剑刃与容器守住门口,安息之上有息息点点繁星。Adornet in masters' loving art, She lies. The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates. She rests at last beneath the starry skies.

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你记着,威尔逊之死带来了可怕的报复,而现在还活着的人能够迫使你喝干下了毒药的圣餐酒杯里的残浆。Remember the death of Wilson was fearfully avenged and those yet live who can compel you to drink the dregs of your poisoned chalice.

一些人坚持说,圣杯即使是有关历史的,也应当被认为是与耶稣在最后的晚餐使用的圣餐杯区分开来。Some insist the Holy Grail, even if historical, should be considered separate from the Holy Chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper.

为此,无论谁,若不相称地吃主的饼,或喝主的杯,就是干犯主体和主血的罪人。Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.

比利时的老城堡。陷阱保护的斯特拉阿图瓦圣杯。挑战你的朋友解开陷阱。如果成功,圣杯是他们的。An old Belgian castle. A trap protecting a chalice of Stella Artois. Challenge your friend to unravel the trap. If successful the chalice is theirs.

梅德韦杰夫将在今日宣誓就任俄罗斯总统,他将接过一只可能盛满毒酒的圣杯,由于通胀率飙升至14。Mr Medvedev, who will be sworn in as Russia's president today, will inherit a potentially poisoned chalice of increasing economic and political risks as inflation surges to as much as 14.

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这位主教还建议在进行圣餐礼时要特别注意,他说,当神父遇到有猪流感症状的人时,只有他们可以在圣餐杯中饮水。The bishop has also urged special caution when taking Holy Communion on pastoral visits. He said if priests came across anyone with flu-like symptoms, only they should drink from the chalice.

报纸上说,有的教堂已经开始允许用面包蘸圣餐酒,不再共用圣餐杯,而其他一些教堂则完全停止供应集体圣餐酒了。Some churches have also begun to allow " intinction " or dipping bread in communion wine rather than sharing the chalice , while others have stopped offering wine altogether, the newspaper said.

他们也能够在天文尺度的概率空间里准确地定位到他的圣杯,同样并非只靠繁育,而主要是通过基因工程学,有一个还采用了反向工程学。They too were able to pinpoint his chalice in an astronomically large space of possibilities, not by breeding alone, but primarily by genetic engineering and, in one case, by reverse engineering.