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支付满意率为博弈论提供了一种新的支付函数确立方法。RSP provides a new method of establishing payoff function for Game Theory.

沙苏交安正在检阅中。如果解放军要招募女兵的话,这里已经是一队了。KCC-Shatin's RSP when they March Pass. If PLA want to enlist women, here it is.

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以上结果表明,菜籽肽在体内外均具有明显的抗氧化作用。All the results above show that RSP has antioxidation effect in vitro and in vivo.

今天是交通安全队大会操2008,陈白沙交安是第一年踏进旺角大球场呢!Today is RSP Inspection Ceremony 2008, CPSS's RSP is the first time marching on the Mongkok Stadium.

支付满意率是主观效用与客观收益的结合体,用其来解释理性更合理。Explaining rationality is more reasonable because RSP is a coalescent of subjective utility and objective payoff.

讨论了采用FFT算法实现高动态扩频信号快捕的一种方法。FFT algorithm has been developed to acquire high dynamic spread spectrum signals in spread spectrum RSP developed by BRIT.

为满足校飞应答机日常维护的需求,文中利用虚拟仪器技术设计了一套自动测试系统,克服了以往人工方式的弊端。With the development of virtual instrument technology, the routine testing method of the revised RSP confronts big challenge.

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为了对移动机器人的定位、运动控制和路径规划进行研究,编写了通用的二维移动机器人仿真软件RSP。In order to analyse the localization, move control and path-plan of the mobile robot. A general 2D simulation software RSP is wrote.

本文筛选的地衣芽孢杆菌、假丝酵母菌及实验室保藏的荚膜红假单胞菌在生长与净化水质功能上存在优势互补的作用。The screened Bacillus. licheniformis and Candida sp. and the preserved Rsp. capsulata in our lab were synergistic in their growth and improving water quality.

结果表明,积雪开始时间、结束时间、相对积雪期和绝对积雪期存在明显的区域差异,前3种差异主要是由地形高度变化引起的。The results show that the SBT, SET, RSP and ASP have obvious regional difference, and the first three kind differences are mainly caused by the terrain height variation.

量子远程态制备与量子隐形传态有着相同的目的,所不同的是在远程态制备中被传送的量子态对发送方是已知的。RSP has the same goal with the quantum teleportation. The main difference between RSP and teleportation is that in the former the sender is assumed to known fully the transmitted state.

利用RSP对节节麦的抗穗发芽基因进行定位分析,结果表明,RSP的抗穗发芽基因是隐性单基因位于2D染色体上。It was also showed that the gene of tolerance to sprouting in RSP derived from Ae. tauschii was inherited as a recessive trait which was controlled by one gene, located on chromosome 2D.