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维护这样混乱的页面十分费力。Maintaining such a raveled page is strenuous.

紧张的马拉松式长跑的三年。Three years of running this strenuous marathon.

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锻炼身体能够产生对身体有利的荷尔蒙,你也没必要去做剧烈运动。It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise, either.

他们被繁重的体力劳动搞得精疲力竭。They were wearied out with the strenuous manual labour.

我们发现这次旅行比预料的要辛苦。We found the journey more strenuous than we had bargained for.

为了有益锻炼不需要费力。Exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous in order to be beneficial.

政府正作出艰苦的努力在山上重新造林。The government is making strenuous efforts to reforest the hills.

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社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season.

即使在你做强度运动时也不会掉装或模糊。They won’t crease or smudge even during the most strenuous exercise.

罢免权的使用激起保守派的强烈反对。This form of recall provoked strenuous opposition from conservatives.

如今,现代人的生活是繁忙,紧张而又艰辛的。Nowadays, the lifestyle of modern people is busy, atwitter and strenuous.

繁重的工作显然使她有些力不胜任。It was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task.

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中国对自己通过艰苦奋斗而取得的成就感到自豪。We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts.

道路是既长且难行,而且皇帝也不习惯那么费力的运动。The way was long and hard and the emperor was not used to such strenuous exercise.

经过四天四夜的苦战他们终于战胜了洪水。They conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting four days and four nights.

刚开始,你会被关在一处营地里进行三个月的艰苦练习。You spend the first three months on strenuous training, confined within a campsite.

怀孕的女人应该避免所有繁重的活动,但是针线活不属于这种。Pregnant women should avoid all strenuous activities, but sewing is not one of them.

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一整天我都在休息,偶尔写点东西,没有感到压力也没有紧张感。I spent the day resting and doing some writing but nothing to stressful or strenuous.

他们在下午训练,并且有选择热身或是热烈的会议的机会。They train in the afternoon, and have a choice of a warm-down or a strenuous session.

劳教中心计划强调严守纪律、刻苦训练、辛勤工作和起居有恒。It emphasises strict discipline, strenuous training, hard work and a vigorous routine.