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我只是一个空谈者。I was a Talker.

他老是说得信口雌黄。He is a fast talker.

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他是一个非常健谈的人。He is a great talker.

她说话很有风趣。She is a witty talker.

我的朋友是个吹牛大王。My friend is a fast talker.

那女人真健谈!What a talker that woman is!

克里斯是没有太大的垃圾桶健谈。Cris isn't much of a trash talker.

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他这个人说话一向直来直去。He has always been a straight talker.

我成了一个空谈者,而非实干家。I’ve become a Talker instead of a Doer.

信不信由你了,他是个吹牛大王。Believe it or not, but he is a fast talker.

要让她改变主意,我们需要一个能言善道的人。To change her mind, we need a smooth talker.

做一个实干家比当一个空谈者要有趣的多。Life is a lot more fun as a Doer than a Talker.

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好的听众是喉痛的发言者。A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat.

女士们,男士们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的朗诵者。Ladies or gentlemen, I give you we talker to tonight.

所以我猜他是他们所谓的“语迟者”。So I guess he is what they call "natural late talker".

这种动物不仅拥有有史以来比其他物种更高的音调,而且被认为是世界上公认的说话最快的“健谈分子”。This bat also ties for being the world's fastest talker.

而当他做了什么的时候,通常都是走的捷径。When a Talker does do something, he often takes a shortcut.

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在荧屏上,约翰?恩是一个直言不讳、针见血的人。On screen, John W ayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter.

这许多的言语岂不该回答吗?多嘴多舌的人岂可称为义吗?Are all these words to go unanswered ? Is this talker to be vindicated?

先生说话带有强制性地说个不停,他总是尽量贬低他的朋友。Mr. A is a compulsive talker and belittles his friends whenever he can.