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谁该被统治?Who should govern?

谁统治这个国家?Who govern this country?

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支出须由收入支配。Income must govern expenditure.

请你暂且控制住感情。Please try to govern your passions.

目前是哪些规则在控制极北地带?What rules govern the far north now?

这个班出了名的难治理的班。The class is famously hard to govern.

你认为有人能够清白无辜地进行统治吗“Do you think anyone can govern innocently?"

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看到他们无力管理的惨状,我都觉得好笑。I’m amazed to see their inability to govern.

以诗竞选,以文治国。You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.

因此,相同的规律必然支配人类的行动。So the same rules must govern what humans do.

他执政为民,还是执政为汽车公司?Will he govern for people, or for automobiles?

这个政策约束了学生校内校外的行为。The policies govern behavior on campus and off.

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管理应用程式伫列限制的指示词。Directives that govern application queue limits.

谁是这个国家的真正统治者?Who are the men who really govern in this country?

要控制感情,否则就会受感情控制。Govern your passion, otherwise they will govern you.

当一把刀架在你的脖子上的时候,你如何统治日本?How to govern Japan with a knife pointing at your neck ?

海牙规定也负责收养机构的资信。The Hague rules also govern the agencies’ accreditation.

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所有这些内容控制着系统的总体安全模型。All these govern the overall security model of the system.

我要统治万民,列邦都要归顺我。I shall govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me.

以三个复仇女神的名义为什么你要我管理马其顿?。Why by three Furies would you want me to govern Macedonia?