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但是瓶子草是很强健的植物,它们很快就会适应过来的!Sarracenia are very tough plants and they should recover quickly.

基本上,只要你有耐心,瓶子草会是很容易栽培的。Sarracenia are fairly easy to grow from seed if you have patience.

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瓶子草的花通常在春季,比第一个瓶子稍微早一点或者同时出现。Sarracenia flowers usually appear in the spring slightly ahead of or with the first pitchers.

在室内或温室栽培的瓶子草,何时、如何适应室外的环境呢?The tricky part of growing Sarracenia indoors or a greenhouse is how and when to acclimate them to life outdoors.

瓶子草被认为是比较好种的食虫植物,被园艺和食虫植物爱好者广泛繁殖和栽培。Sarracenia are considered easy to grow and are widely propagated and cultivated by gardeners and carnivorous plant enthusiasts.

关于亚种、变种、一般交配种的完整列表,请参阅瓶子草与其混种。For a complete list of subspecies, varieties, and common hybrids, please see separate article List of Sarracenia species and hybrids.

瓶子草属于瓶子草科,此科也包含了亲源关系相近的眼镜蛇瓶子草和太阳瓶子草。The genus Sarracenia belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora.

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种在生态缸的未成熟的瓶子草,在两三年内会持续生长,然后才加入成熟瓶子草的行列,开始随著季节周期变化。Juvenile Sarracenia can be raised in a terrarium under lights for two to three years before they need to join the adults and start the cycle of seasons.

把花盆放在通风的生态缸,如果气候适合,也可以直接把花盆放在室外充满阳光的环境,和其他瓶子草住在一起!Put the pots into a terrarium with some air circulation. Or if the weather is mild, just put them outside in a sunny location with your other Sarracenia.

瓶子草往往居住在长年潮溼的沼泽、溼地、平原,这些栖地的土壤通常为酸性的,由沙和水苔组成。Sarracenia tend to inhabit permanently wet fens, swamps, and grassy plains. These habitats tend to be acidic with soil made up of sand and Sphagnum moss.

于是东南美的几个州,例如佛罗里达、乔治亚、南卡罗莱纳都订定了瓶子草的保护法。Some protective legislation exists. Several southeastern states, such as Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina have conservation laws which protect Sarracenia.

生长期的瓶子草喜欢阳光充足的环境,但是冬季也需要一段休眠时期,这个时期的光线减少,气温下降,约持续数个月。Sarracenia prefer sunny conditions during their growing season but require a dormancy period, with decreased light and temperatures, of a few months in the winter.

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瓶子草需要稳定的潮湿环境,不含养分的土壤,通常会将泥炭土混合砂或珍珠石。Sarracenia require constantly moist-wet, nutrient free acidic soil. This is most often achieved with a potting mix consisting of peat moss mixed with sand or perlite.

由于所有的杂交种都可以产生子代,然后继续发生杂交,这样的特性使得栽培者可以杂交出无限多的突变种。Given that all Sarracenia hybrids are fertile and will hybridize further, this characteristic allows cultivators to produce a limitless number of variants through hybridization.