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人们所不能容忍的就是那副假正经的样子。It's that sanctimonious air that people can't stand.

假仁假义的微笑、言词、人、抗议信。A sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest.

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他们是代表超越的力的黑袍神圣使者。They were the black-garbed, sanctimonious emissaries of superior forces.

我一直祈祷你不要再这么假模假式的装圣人,祈祷你能奇迹般地少说点屁话。I’m always praying you stop being so sanctimonious and miraculously get less full of shit.

最可怕的事莫过于知难而退,临阵脱逃,继而变成一个道貌岸然的伪学者。The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted, culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo-scholars.

我想要排除性格的干扰来探寻女性主义的秘密,因为总有些女人说这是个伪命题。I wanted to explode the myth that feminism is without personality, and that women who talk about it are sanctimonious.

萨文一家当然也有别的、来自外界的烦恼。有些人对于他们的计划不以为然,认为他们只是在伪善地作秀。The Salwens also are troubled that some people are reacting negatively to their project, seeing them as sanctimonious showoffs.

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影评人士对影片褒贬不一。有的说这部电影假装神圣,有的观众对电影中异族男女接吻的镜头表示非常愤怒。Some critics loved the film, while others did not, one calling it sanctimonious drivel. Some viewers were outraged by an interracial kiss.

在我的哀悼会上,你一定会如往常一样发表虚伪的讲话,号召警察采取迅速的行动对事件进行调查。In the wake of my death I know you will make all the usual sanctimonious noises and call upon the police to hold a swift and thorough inquiry.

一般世俗人士、道貌岸然的学者们,可能会责怪苏子,不知爱惜自己的名声、清誉。可是苏子本人却对所谓名声、清誉,嗤之以鼻,毫不在意。Common people and sanctimonious scholar possibly blamed Su Dongpo for spoiling his own reputation but Su Dongpo himself sniffed at reputation, caring for nothing about it.

而且,绿色建筑者花了太多的努力在创造投诚于基本上仅是由可敬的工程革新聚成的神话的幻像。There is an unbalanced amount of effort currently being spent to create a sanctimonious mythology around what is basically a collection of admirable engineering innovations.

他穿着他过礼拜日的衣服,绷着他那张伪善透顶的、阴沉的脸,一只手拿着帽子,一只手拿着手杖,他开始在垫子上擦他的皮鞋。He was donned in his Sunday garments, with his most sanctimonious and sourest face, and, holding his hat in one hand and his stick in the other, he proceeded to clean his shoes on the mat.