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你可以皱眉。You can frown.

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日食“蹙眉”Eclipse "Frown"

你别皱眉好吗?Wilt thou not frown?

从不皱眉蹙额。Not a frown upon its face.

眉头一皱使他的前额出现很多皱纹。A frown creased his forehead.

我集中精神的时候不会皱眉头。I don't frown when I do that.

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他的双眉皱了起来。His brows puckered in a frown.

我把我的脸假皱眉头。I put a fake frown on my face.

使他不赞成任何杀戮。He apprehends no killing frown.

10个颠覆愁眉的方法Ways to Turn That Frown Upside Down

他们可能会看不惯我们的行为。And they might frown upon our behavior.

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一蹙额便足雕谢他们的荣华。For at a frown they in their glory die.

把我带到你的颦眉蹙额底下。Bring me within the level of your frown.

我亲爱的母亲,您为什么总是皱着眉头?My dear Mother, why do you always frown?

英国人不喜欢用茶叶袋泡茶。The english frown on the use of tea bag.

当我看见你对我的缺点蹙额。When I shall see thee frown on my defects.

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他的额头皱成一愁眉苦脸。His forehead knitted into a perplexed frown.

皱眉需要牵动43条肌肉,而微笑只用17条。It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

我看见她眉头皱得像只鱼钩。I caught the edge of her frown like a fishhook.