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直到将近1700年之后,啤酒才再次回到中国。It would take nearly 1, 700 years for beer to make its reemergence in China.

关于中国的重新崛起,之前已经有许多人着墨甚多,但在此我只关注三个方面。Much has been written about the reemergence of China, but I would like to focus on three points.

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因此无法准确得知导致本次疟疾疫情回升的主要流行因素。Therefore, it is impossible to determine major epidemic factors leading to the reemergence of malaria.

劳森认为,一战和二战里的大兵们促成了单词bitch的再度显身。Rawson attributes the reemergence of the word bitch to soldiers during the first and second World Wars.

相对于他的技巧和洞察力来说,运气在他重新成为一个国家政治人物的过程中扮演了关键角色。But for all his insight and skill, luck played a huge role in his reemergence as a national political figure.

红鹰在地洞中竟意外地见到了被越西鸿打入地洞20年的父亲。Red eagle in caves unexpectedly accidentally met the reemergence of the west by scoring the father of 20 years.

值得关注的是这个国家如果进入宗派主义战争,谁都不能忽视再度出现的阿拉维民族主义统一者的推动力。Significantly, one should not discount the reemergence of an Alawi irredentist impulse if the country descends into sectarian strife.

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驻扎阿富汗的司令官一遍遍地寻求国家支持,以对抗塔利班的死灰复燃,但是没有援军到来。Commanders in Afghanistan repeatedly asked for support to deal with the reemergence of the Taliban, but these reinforcements did not arrive.

民众对文艺审美的尺度越放越大,“月份牌女郎”的重现可为一例。Another indication of changing notions of artistic and aesthetic permissiveness was the reemergence of "calendar girl"-designs, such as the one below.

首先,在这一年里,我们看到国家力量重新抬头,因为从东京到华盛顿的政府都在把巨额纳税人金钱注入跨国公司。Above all, the year saw the reemergence of state power, as governments from Tokyo to Washington pumped huge amounts of taxpayer cash into national firms.

北京2008年奥运会就是一个“复兴”的标志,中国已从落后和孤立中破茧而出,得到了国际认可。The Summer Olympics of 2008 is their symbol of this national reemergence from a dark cocoon of decline and isolation into the light of international recognition.

同时,我们必须防止我们金融机构的基于不负责任贷款行为、监管不力和管理不当的过度复兴。And we must prevent the reemergence of excesses in our financial institutions based on irresponsible lending behavior, and abetted by lax and uncoordinated regulation.

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我们必须防止不平衡增长、美国消费者的消费和借款热情以及亚洲和其他国家的出口和积累热情的再度出现。We must prevent the reemergence of imbalanced growth, with American consumers buying and borrowing, and Asian and other exporting countries selling and accumulating claims.

在药物进行了清除作用之后,又会重新出现特定DNA甲基化的模式,与受孕后不久,胚胎铭印标签的程式重设,具有奇特的呼应。THE REEMERGENCE of a distinctive DNA methylation pattern after drugs wipe it clean strangely echoes the reprogramming of an embryo's imprinting marks shortly after conception.

而另一方面,伦先生仍对海宁穷追不舍希望海宁能再给他机会,因为伦先生的再度出现海宁乱了节奏、慌乱不安。Mr Aaron, on the other hand, to pursue haining end still hope to give him the opportunity to haining, because Mr Aaron the reemergence of haining wrong rhythm, become flustered.

尼克松艰难获得1968年共和党提名时,并没有直接参与那些事件——比如城市暴动和校园骚乱——这帮助他在政治上平步青云。Nixon worked hard to become the Republican nominee in 1968 but he was not directing events – like the urban unrest and campus disturbances – that helped his political reemergence.

对所有想要了解中国的方方面面的人来说,我们希望此次论坛将是一个对话的开始,让世界了解这条觉醒的东方巨龙。We hope that this forum will be the beginning of a dialogue between those wanting to understand the broader issues for China and the world of the reemergence of the "Sleeping Dragon".

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南非政府在种族隔离制后试行的自治和尼日利亚暂时的民主重现都是改革的重要前兆。The hopeful experiment of post-apartheid self-rule now under way in South Africa and the tentative reemergence of democracy in Nigeria is potentially important harbingers of transformation.