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辉腾是大众的超级豪华四门轿车。The Phaeton was VW's uberluxe sedan.

我们怎么能信任一个骄傲自大的人去做这种事?How can we trust a Phaeton to do this?

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法厄同是阿波罗与克里敏尼生的儿子。Phaeton was the son of Apollo by Clymene.

看你们都对我的老马车做了什么呀。And look what you've done to poor old Phaeton.

法厄同怀着喜悦的心情跳上战车出发了。Phaeton joyfully jumped on the carriage and set off.

大众公司也首次推出其顶级豪车辉腾。Volkswagen also is debuting its own ultra-luxury Phaeton sedan.

当然,控制自然的想法从古就有,例如,Phaeton或Archimedes。Of course, the idea of control of nature is ancient—for example, Phaeton or Archimedes.

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东莞市远大电子科技有限公司是胶带专业加工厂商。Phaeton cutting factory in Guangzhou Co. , Ltd. is professional tape processing companies.

一进那家银行家的院子,他们便看到安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂的四轮马车和他的仆人在门口。On entering the banker's mansion, they perceived the phaeton and servant of M. Andrea Cavalcanti.

前者侧重于传统礼品的店面销售,而苏州辉腾商贸有限公司则侧重于传统礼品的批量定制。The former focuses on the traditional gift store sales, and Suzhou Phaeton Business Trade Company focuses on the traditional gift's customization.