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我真的不喜欢多骨的M的音乐…L don't really like Boney M's music.

眼眉间的线条都只是轻微的隆起。The boney eyebrow ridges are only slightly developed.

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它的身体覆盖着盔甲似的皮革和小骨刺。Its body is covered with armored hide and small boney spikes.

女孩抓住死亡,而死亡长长瘦骨嶙峋的手指穿梭在她的头发中。Girl clutching the figure of Death. His long boney fingers in her hair.

最后,作为一名矫形外科医师,你可以进行一些手术以改善任何的骨畸形。And finally, as an orthopedic surgeon, you can do some surgery to correct any boney deformities.

大多数韩国人颧骨突出,下巴短,这样的脸型就不好看。Most Koreans have prominent boney foreheads and short jaws-which do not make for a beautiful face.

骨密度测量结果显示血管束植入后组织工程骨新骨生长较未植入血管束者多。The results of the DEXA demonstrated that the vascularized tissue-engineered bone produced more boney tissue.

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天然胡萝卜蜜营养饮料是采用天然胡萝卜汁和蜂蜜通过生物技术而制成的高级保健营养饮料。The nutritious natural carrot boney juice is a kind of super health aare beverage produced by using bio-technique.

Baley先生看了我一会儿,随后他举起一只瘦骨嶙峋的手,指向放在屋子一角的一个黑色提包。Mr. Baley looked at me for a second, and then he lifted one of his boney hands and pointed to a black bag that sat in a corner of the room.

但他跟一个键盘手提及自己没钱买食物了,那个乐手回答说如果他吃得更少,他就该被称为骨头James了。After mentioning to a keyboardist that he was running out of food money, the musician replied that if he ate any less, he would have to be called Boney James.

我还在悲伤看到星星汇聚从天空泻下在你哭泣时轻轻拭走你的泪看到夏季的风吹拂你的头发它飘扬在你周围看到雨那落下的雨那是伟大的柏尼。See the stars come joining down from the sky Gently passing they kiss your tears when you cry See the wind the summer blow your hair upon your head See the rain, the falling rain, it's great Boney M.