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可维持人体正常视觉的维生素是什么?Is tenability human body normal what is visual vitamin?

商业广告的这一性质界定的成立,有赖于两个条件的满足。Two requirements are to be filled for the tenability of the definition.

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但是,任何个体都必须承受的那种预算约束并不能保证“实物瓦尔拉斯法则”成立。However, the budget constraint of any individual cannot guarantee the tenability of the law.

并利用琼斯矩阵分析了该光纤激光器实现可调谐输出及双波长产生的机理。And then, the tenability and dual-wavelength operation of the fiber lasers were analyzed with Jones Matrix.

正确的床垫应该是触感柔软,高弹性,可维持人体生理曲线并且透气性好。Correct mattess should be tactility softness, tall flexibility, curve of physiology of tenability human body and permeability is good.

“实物瓦尔拉斯法则”的成立是一般均衡存在的必要前提,而“瓦尔拉斯法则”的成立应当是个体预算约束加总的结果。The tenability of "Walras's law" is the prerequisite of general equilibrium, and the tenability of the law is the result of the aggregate of individual budget.

对现存分配关系成立的理论依据,人们众说纷纭,缺乏一个科学统一的认识,因此,需要我们对经典作家的分配决定理论进行重新考察。Opinions Vary about the theoretical basis for the tenability of the existing distribution relationship and there is no unified and scientific understanding of it.

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2005年到2006年,广告在线时间基本可维持在8个小时左右,每天黄维领能接到四五个咨询电话。Arrived 2005 2006, advertisement is online time is basic tenability is controlled in 8 hours, everyday Huang Wei is gotten can receive 45 advisory telephone calls.

可维持组织细胞的糖代谢正常,这对保证组织器官特别是脑组织的正常生理活动具有重要意义。The candy metabolization of tenability organization cell is normal, this organizes an organ to assuring especially the normal physiology activity that the head organizes has important sense.

监督过失是处于监督管理地位的人违反监督、管理义务,对其应当防止的危害结果因疏忽大意或者因过于自信没有防止的心理态度。The tenability of supervisory negligence should prove that the supervisor has foreseen the fault behavior of the person under supervision subjectively and violates the official duty objectively.