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阿尔贝得意扬扬地穿着他那件小丑服装。Albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume.

演喜剧里的配角或丑角,以顺从的、下级的方式行事。A comedy or pantomime in which Harlequin is the main attraction.

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一个名为小丑瓢虫调查的网上观测数据库正在追踪这种昆虫对英国的入侵。The Harlequin Ladybird Survey, an online database of sightings, is tracking the U.

由于该丑角没有任何麻烦可能会改变在任何室内的心情。Thanks to that Harlequin could change the mood in any interior without any troubles.

陪伴我们的是关在笼子里小丑一样的熊猫,长着虎皮一样的“迷彩服”。The harlequin pattern of crib and playroom pandas, like tiger camouflage, is with us to stay.

这种叫做“微孢子虫”的寄生虫潜藏在小丑瓢虫的循环系统内。A parasite called microsporidia lies dormant in the circulatory systems of harlequin ladybirds.

因此人们开始引进一种称作“小丑瓢虫”的亚洲物种,以此作为控制自然虫害的手段。So people began importing an Asian species called the harlequin ladybird as natural pest control.

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穿着斑斓衣衫的丑角如果突然发疝痛了,他的衣服也就表现了这痛楚的情绪。Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.

有关眼镜架在这个自由丑角时尚视频设计的研究生学习。Learn about Harlequin frame designs for eyeglasses in this free fashion video from a graduate student.

巴拿马金蛙是大约110种小丑蛙中的一种,而这些蛙种中的许多正在灭绝。The Panamanian golden frog is one of about 110 species of harlequin frog , many of which are dying out.

那些女丑角又换上了农家的服装,当她经过的时候,她曾抬起了她的面具。The harlequin had reassumed her peasant's costume, and as she passed she raised her mask. She was charming.

当欧洲的瓢虫吃小丑瓢虫的卵和幼虫的同时,也吃掉了微孢子虫。When European ladybug species eat the harlequin ladybird eggs and larvae, they also consume the microsporidia.

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阳光透过浓密的树冠,在底层的灌木上勾画出由光、色、影组成的小丑图案。Sunlight filtering through the leafy canopy creates a harlequin pattern of colour, light, and shade in the brush below.

尽管水族馆的发烧友们喜爱小丑虾的鲜艳色彩,可是它们仍然很难喜欢住在这水槽里。Popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their bright colors, harlequin shrimp are nonetheless tough to care for in a tank.

丑角蛙实际上就是蟾蜍。但它们经常容易和箭毒蛙混淆,因为它们也有明亮多彩的外表和有毒的皮肤。Harlequin frogs actually happen to be toads. They are often confused with poison dart frogs because of their bright skin colors and toxic skin.

另一方面,小丑瓢虫的免疫系统已经学会了如何处理微孢子虫,这让瓢虫把它们作为生化武器。Harlequin ladybirds' immune systems, on the other hand, have learned to deal with microsporidia—which lets the insects use them as biological weapons.

据学者称,一些动物物种,如水獭,海鸥,丑鸭,及青鱼等,仍未从泄露事故造成的负面影响中完全恢复。And scientists say some animal species, including sea otters, harbor seals, harlequin ducks, and herring, have yet to recover from the spill's negative effects.

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科学家说,一些动物物种,包括海獭,港海豹,丑角鸭子,鲱鱼,还没有恢复过来泄漏的负面影响。And scientists say some animal species, including sea otters , harbor seals, harlequin ducks, and herring, have yet to recover from the spill's negative effects.

自助餐桌上各色冷盘琳琅满目,一只只五香火腿周围摆满了五花八门的色拉、烤得金黄的乳猪和火鸡。On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors-d'oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold.

麦克斯韦尔把椅子猛推到墙边,如芭蕾舞者踮着脚尖跳舞般敏捷地处理业务,一下从股票行情自动收录器跳到电话机旁,一下又从办公桌边跳到门口,其灵活度不亚于受过专门训练的滑稽丑角。Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a toe dancer. He jumped from ticker to phone, from desk to door with the trained agility of a harlequin.