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然而可塑性确实存在极限。Plasticity does have limits, however.

没有个QTL检测的量程下限可塑性。No QTLs were detected for plasticity of LRL.

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科学实在论与心灵的可塑性。Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind.

是可塑性还是明暗处理?。Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro?

这个灵活性为盲人提供了巨大的资源。This plasticity offers a huge resource for the blind.

胡罗卜可塑性的其他证明也垂手可得。Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthcoming.

该壳元的材料模型为理想塑性。The material modell of this shell element is an ideal plasticity.

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独立的裙房设计使得立面处理更具可塑性。Podium design independent makes the facade treatment more plasticity.

焊接接头强度、塑性均可达到与母材相当的水平。The strength and plasticity of welds were equivalent to the base metal.

记忆的保持——突触稳定性还是突触可塑性?。Memory retention-the synaptic stability versus plasticity dilemma Wickliffe C.

脑外伤后神经损伤可通过轴突的可塑性来代偿其功能。After nerve injury, the nerve function can be compensated by axonal plasticity.

超塑变形机理为晶界滑移和位错滑移塑性。The deformation mechanisms were grain boundary sliding and dislocation plasticity.

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同时讨论了显微组织及其形态对强塑性的影响。The effect of micro structure, morphology on strength and plasticity has been diss.

结缕草的生长行为表现出很强的可塑性和觅养特性。The growth behavior of Zoysia japonica showed strong plasticity and foraging trait.

简单来说,启蒙运动的作者们高估了人性的可塑性。More simply put, Enlightenment authors overestimated the plasticity of human nature.

对虫媒病毒来说,病毒基因的可塑性是惊人的高。The genome plasticity of the virus is surprisingly high for an arthropod-borne virus.

优化设计和精心制作的螺杆、机筒有极好的塑化效果。Optimized design and delicately made screw and barrier results in excellent plasticity.

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梅尔卡多认为,认知可塑性的结构基础是大脑皮质模块。Mercado argues that the structural basis of cognitive plasticity is the cortical module.

对T91钢的高温塑性和穿孔性能进行了试验研究。Both plasticity and piercing performance of Steel T91at elevated temperature are studied.

铁对合金的力学性能影响很大,特别是延伸率。The destructive influence of iron on the properties is dramatic, especially to plasticity.