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综合学习课程让学生汲取不同的知识。Students are in for diverse pursuits under the ILP.

文章介绍了应用于空间关联规则挖掘的ILP方法。This paper introduces an ILP Method Applied in Spatial Association Rule Mining.

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然而基本块通常很小,因而潜在的ILP也很小。Since a basic block is usually very small, the ILP in a block is hence very small.

将多个约束变量的ILP问题转化为一个约束条件的背包问题。Transfer the multiple constraints ILP problem into one dimension knapsack problem.

利用单纯形法求解该线性规划问题,便可得到整数规划的最优解。By using simplex method to solve the LP, the optimal solution of ILP can be obtained.

该系统是目前国际上最具有代表性的ILP系统。Stephen Muggleton. Progol is the most preventative ILP system in ILP field, currently.

因此,对语用发展的研究是中介语语用学主要的研究课题之一。Accordingly, the study on the pragmatic development has naturally become one of the main research topics of ILP.

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实验结果表明该联合算法得到的优化结果劣于整数线性规划算法,但是优于表调度算法。The result shows that the combining algorithm can arrive at worse code than ILP but better than list scheduling.

独立工党是一个丹麦的软件开发与马其顿,意大利和菲律宾的联营合作伙伴公司。ILP is a Danish based software developing company with associate partners in Macedonia, Italy and the Philippines.

第二章提出了求解ILP问题的新算法,并对新算法中的关键问题给出了证明。In chapter 2, propose the new algorithm for solving the ILP problem, and proves the cardinal problems of the new algorithm.

今天你来当厨师学做香蕉甜点,戴上围裙,洗干净小手,快乐的同时填满肚子。Today we will clean our hands , put on our aprons and make banana snacks. ILP teachers always make their students full and happy!

指令调度是在保证语义正确的前提下,改变指令执行的顺序,以提高指令级并行的程度。To change the execution order of instructions, enchant ILP furthest, will achieve higher performance on the basis of ensuring correctness.

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独立工党提供了一个技术性很强,带动产品发展以及国际工作环境中,其中包含了在工作中的团队合作精神,灵活性和乐趣。ILP offers a highly technical, product driven as well as international work environment, which embraces team spirit, flexibility and fun at work.

该算法有效的提高了分类精确度,并且能够直接支持关系数据库,运行时间远远小于基于ILP技术的关系数据分类算法。This algorithm improved accuracy rate, support relational databases directly. Its running time is much lower than ILP based relational classification methods.

值预测是通过推断执行来提高ILP的有效技术之一,但实现其预测模型的硬件成本和功耗却是制约它的两个主要因素。Value prediction is one of the effective techniques that increase ILP by speculative execution, but its hardware cost and power consumption are two main limitations.

本文在归纳逻辑编程的框架下提出了一种多槽规则自动获取方法,解决了信息抽取中知识获取和知识表示的瓶颈问题。In this paper we put forward an automatic multi-slot rale acquisition method under the ILP framework and solved the knowledge acquisition and representation bottleneck.

在中介语语用习得的研究中,暗示似乎是不可教也很难习得的一种请求语。Although it seems that hints are to be acquired late by learners in ILP literature, learners in the study both increased their use of hints greatly after the instruction.

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本文提出了一种从正负例和背景知识学习含有约束原子的一阶谓词公式的归纳逻辑程序设计方法。In the field of Machine Learning, this thesis is presents new method to learn constraint atoms from positive and negative examples in first-order predicate, based on developed ILP system.