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她的声音异样地颤抖著。Her voice quavered grotesquely.

这样一个奇怪的带有种族偏见的模式是如何形成的呢?How can such a grotesquely race-biased pattern of arrests exist?

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一个最简单的原理图,荒诞由欲望和电线提高。A most simplistic schematic, grotesquely heightened by desires and wires.

那肮脏松弛的脸奇异地扭曲了、变做了极端凄惨的怪笑。The blotched and sagging face twisted grotesquely into the grimace of extreme grief.

左倾的草根组织“前进”称这个协议是“不道德到让人无法容忍的地步”。The left-leaning grassroots organisation MoveOn described it as "grotesquely immoral".

荒唐夸张的军费开支和成瘾的庞大债务,正在削弱美国。Grotesquely overblown military spending and debt addiction are crippling United States.

其中一个矮小敦实,但伺候他的奴隶士兵却个个荒诞的高高瘦瘦。One was small and stunted, though the slave soldiers who attended him were grotesquely tall and thin.

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西斯尊主奇异地把这个拉卡塔神器改造为直接从被束缚的绝地俘虏体内汲取能量。The Sith Lord had grotesquely adapted the Rakatan device to draw energy directly from chained Jedi captives.

与其他作家琐碎的写作风格相比,作者用词简约,运用荒诞的描写手法,使情节消失于黑暗之中。His writing is sparing where others might be frivolous, while grotesquely descriptive where most would simply fade to black.

同中国的对比就象哈哈镜一样把印度的发展缺陷过分地扩大起来。Comparison with China has become a distorting mirror in which Indians see their country's shortcomings grotesquely magnified.

笼子一边的角落有匹脖子异型很厉害的驼背虎,而在笼子的另一边一动不动的卧著匹被弄瞎了一只眼的独眼虎。One is hunched up against the side of its cage with its neck grotesquely deformed. Another, blinded in one eye, lies motionless.

他们的英雄和恶棍cartoonishly一维,外星人是怪异外来,过顶的动作。Their heroes and villains were cartoonishly one-dimensional, the aliens were grotesquely alien, and the action was over the top.

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然后,我们去花漫长的时间,在我称之为“是啊-但是”的过度拥挤的岛上沙滩上寻找所谓”失去”的激情。Then we spend years looking for our "lost" passion in the sand of a grotesquely overpopulated place I call the "Isle of Yeah-but.

一会儿,月亮从密林中露出了大大的涨红的脸,夏日的的空气中弥漫着灰尘和汗气使月亮显得有些阴森恐怖。Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods.

因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did.

那人盯着比尔,只见他滑稽地颠跛着,蹒跚地登上一片平缓的斜坡,向小山头上柔和的天际走去。The man watched him go, limping grotesquely and lurching forward with stammering gait up the slow slope toward the soft sky-line of the low-lying hill.

有现象表明,含纤维网状物的导管缠住被吞下的牺牲者,诡异地将那生命并入沙拉克自己的生理系统。Evidence exists of a fibrous network of vessels that attach themselves to a swallowed victim, grotesquely incorporating the being into the Sarlacc's own biological system.

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有证据表明,一张纤维状导管网会缠住被吞下的受害者,诡异地将这个生命并入沙拉克自己的生物系统中。Evidence exists of a fibrous network of vessels that attach themselves to a swallowed victim, grotesquely incorporating the being into the Sarlacc's own biological system.

而即便在全国百姓用不间断的家庭消费支撑这些金融寡头度过难关,现行的金融体系对劳动人民来说,依然是极端的不公平。The system remains grotesquely unfair, with the deck stacked against working people, even as we’re desperate to have them sustain the economy with nonstop consumer purchases.

“我看到自己的伤时都呆了,”他说,“我的腿内侧都是奇怪的死黑色条纹,从小腿一直延伸到脚踝,连脚背上都是。”“I was shocked at what I saw, ” he said. “The medial side of my leg was grotesquely streaked in purple-black from the bottom of my calf to my ankle, including the top of my foot.”