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代码中不应该有制表符。No tabs in the code.

这时将出现一组新的选项卡。A new set of tabs appears.

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坚固的正面和背面拉选项卡上。Sturdy front and back pull-on tabs.

双拉环,一个简单的开和关。Dual pull tabs for an easy on and off.

草堂的曲谱下载后怎么打开?。How to open the tabs after downloading.

您的朋友也可以了解您的动向。Your friends can also keep tabs on you.

回带可调的选项卡中的插图。Inset back belt with adjustable side tabs.

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汤姆,我要盯紧你。Tom, I'm going to keep closer tabs on you.

但是我们的读者也并非滥用标签。But our readers don't use tabs willy-nilly.

让我们返回到空白页的时代吧!Go back to the good old days of blank tabs.

每个竖列最多放置四个标签页。Each column can accommodate up to four tabs.

利用缩进、制表符或表格可对齐文本。Use indents, tabs or tables to line up text.

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可以添加国际字母表选项卡集。You can add international sets of alphabet tabs.

用鼠标右键框选的所有链接可在新标签页中打开。Drag a area and open all links in it in new tabs.

例如,编辑器使用一个记事簿和选项卡。For example, the editor uses a notebook and tabs.

标签焊接特约的舱壁附件。Tabs welded to stringers for bulkhead attachment.

回顾上文提到过的选项卡的例子。Think back to the example of the tabs from above.

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在切换菜单下方画一个1px的灰线。Draw in a 1px gray line on the bottom of the tabs.

那么,如果代码中有制表符,会发生什么情况?So, what happens if you do have tabs in your code?

您可以使用此选项卡指示要显示哪些选项卡。You can use this tab to indicate which tabs to show.