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论述了含磷白云石的综合利用新工艺。The new comprehensive utilization technology of phosphatic dolomite is discussed.

提出了用浓硫酸蒸馏磷矿石中氟化物,以电极法测其含量的方法。The determination of fluorine in phosphatic ore by electrode method was presented.

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本文介绍了采用阴离子交换树脂,从磷矿石中直接制取磷酸的方法。Methods of direct prodction of phosphoric acid from the phosphatic rock are described.

增施磷肥红壤根际有效态铅、镉的活性降低。The availabilities of Pb and Cd in rhizosphere of red soil would drop with adding phosphatic fertilizer.

其中的一项抵御措施就是产生大量的磷脂酸,这是细胞膜的磷脂成分之一。One defense is to produce quantities of phosphatic acid, a phospholipid constituent of cellular membranes.

广西上泥盆统斜坡—盆地相灰岩中存在着数量丰富、保存完好的磷质微球粒。Abundant phosphatic microspherules preserved intactly have been found in the Upper Devonian slope-basin limestone.

并介绍了在石油工业、磷肥生产与工业循环冷却水中的应用。It's applications in petroleum and phosphatic fertilizer production and in cooling water treatment are introduced.

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不同性质的土壤,适宜作物生长的土壤平衡溶液磷浓度差异不大。Phosphatic concentration in equilibrium solution suitable for plant growth is more or less the same in different soils.

介绍了磷酸酯表面活性剂的性质、合成方法及其它精练剂中的应用。This paper introduces the property of phosphatic surfactant , methods of synthesis and its application in the refined agents.

磷是动植物生命活动离不开的重要营养元素,土壤的供磷水平是决定磷肥肥效的主要因素。Phosphorus is an important nutrient for animals and plants, the phosphorus level in soil determines the effect of phosphatic fertilizer.

无论什么磷肥,全都来自含钙的磷酸盐。生骨粉、磷灰粉、磷灰石含有大量的这种盐类。Phosphatic fertilzers are all derived from calcium salts of phosphoric acid and these are found as raw bones, apatite and phosphate rock.

用红外光谱法探讨造纸与磷肥废液调控普钙水分的机理。The mechanism was Studed by m SPectroscopy that paper making Waste Water and phosphatic manure Waste Water control calcium Superphosphate moisture.

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分析贵州省磷复肥工业的现状、存在的问题,并提出可持续发展规划的设想。The current situation of phosphatic compound fertilizer industry in Guizhou province, some problems and its sustainable development strategy are presented.

介绍一种利用磷肥工业副产品氟硅酸制备氟化钠和白炭黑的新工艺。A new technology is introduced for preparation sodium fluoride and silica aerogel from fluorosilicis acid, the by-product of phosphatic fertilizer production.

我国高浓度磷复肥主要由近百套料浆法磷铵生产装置所提供。The domestic high analysis phosphatic and compound fertilizers are provided mainly by nearly a hundred ammonium phosphate production units based on the slurry process.

在凝缩剖面中,化石和有机物磷酸盐和海绿石质物质相对于几乎不含化石的快速沉积剖面而言,都趋向于被凝缩。In condensed sections, fossils and organic, phosphatic and glauconitic material tend to be concentrated compared with rapidly deposited sections that contain few fossils.

自然产生的磷酸盐中以磷酸三钙最为重要,它是磷灰石,骨骼和磷质海鸟粪的主要成分。The most important naturally occurring phosphate is phosphate of lime or tri-calcium phosphate found as the chief ingredient of phosphatic rock bones and phosphatic guanos.

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同时介绍了高效磷肥的增产、优质、节本的特点及其应用前景。Also, a description is given of the characteristics of yield increase, superior quality and reduction in cost of high-analysis phosphatic fertilizers and prospects for their use.