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自然流产后必须刮宫吗?After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage ?

刮宫后13天发生性关系。刮宫后13天发生性关系。Have carnal knowledge of last 13 day the dilatation and curettage.

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该冲洗管配合刮宫同时使用。The washing tube is simultaneously used along with dilatation curettage.

宫颈管机能不全的特征是宫颈扩张但无腹痛。Incompetent cervix is characterized by dilatation of the cervix without cramps.

结论简易扩张法矫治小儿包茎是一种安全、有效的方法。Conclusion Simple dilatation correction of phimosis is a safe and effective method.

而若为肾内肾盂,肾盏扩张和肾实质损害均严重。In the intrarenal pelvis, caliceal dilatation and renal parenchymal damage are maximal.

目的探讨气囊扩张术对新生儿包茎防治。Objective Discussion balloon dilatation of the prevention and treatment of neonatal phimosis.

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也可以为增生的结缔组织,富含血管且表现为血管扩张。It is also composed of the hyperplastic fibrous connective tissue and blood vessel dilatation.

目的探讨内镜下探条扩张术对食管狭窄的疗效。To investigate the efficacy of endoscopic probe dilatation for patients with esophagostenosis.

进一步的气球扩张术亦成功地治疗了病人的输尿管狭窄。Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated steno sis of the ureter.

填充膨胀缝的锯木屑,应采用干燥无杂物的锯木屑,填塞时不能捣实。Dry wood chips without sundries shall be filled into dilatation joints but they shall not be tamped.

微球体系的粘度比较低,其粘度随溶胀时间变化较小。The viscosity of the system was lower, its viscosity has almost unchangable with the dilatation time.

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本文报告用安定促进临产宫口扩张80例,取得良好效果。Data are presented to define the stimulating effect of diazepam on uterine cervix dilatation in labor.

目的探讨经内镜球囊扩张治疗大肠良性狭窄的临床价值。Objective To discuss the clinical value of endoscopic ballon dilatation for benign colorectal strictures.

肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progre ive dilatation and atony.

若扩张的细支气管内有气体则可见支气管扩张和壁增厚。Bronchiolar dilatation and wall thickening can sometimes be seen if the dilated bronchioles are air filled.

肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progressive dilatation and atony.

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目的探讨气囊扩张术治疗肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻的效果。Objective To improve the therapeutic result of endoscopically dilatation for ureteropelvic junction obstruction.

方法对130例直肠癌患者行保留植物神经的直肠癌扩大根治术。Methods 130 patients underwent the dilatation radical correction of rectal neoplasm of reservation autonomic nerve.

目的探讨纤维胃镜下气囊导管扩张治疗食管狭窄的疗效。Objective To explore the efficacy of gastrofiberscope-assisted balloon catheter dilatation of esophageal stricture.